We ended up at the Capitol Market.
I actually really enjoy going up there. I buy some more obscure things from the Purple Onion and I love the Wine Shop. Today I purchased a six pack of Sam Adams Octoberfest for game number four of the World Series (which I may or may not share with my hubby.) I will be partaking at the Dunlap's on Saturday night during game number three so I plan to save my Sam's for the next game.
I also got a couple bottles of wine. A bottle of Ironstone Symphony and a bottle of Gewürztraminer. Both white wines with a hint of sweet, but not too sweet. I bought a block of smoked Gouda and some great lakes white cheddar and now I'm good to go for Sunday afternoon...
They asked me if I was in their computer. I guess if you spend at least a hundred dollars with them a month, you qualify for big savings.
At first I declined being set up in their system, thinking there is no way I spend a hundred dollars a month on wine and beer, then I began to reconsider...ummm...I spent forty today. And that's perhaps a weeks worth of beverages...
Yeah..I ended up signing up for the discount thing...LOL
After eating lunch at the seafood place, we ended up buying some chocolate. Man...the Kahlua and Baily's chocolates are the BOMB! It was an orgasm of the taste buds. I could eat those things all day long....
Now, I am home again and after slacking all day long, I need to work on my costume. I have part of the boots finished, not thigh highs like someone suggested either. As for the rest of my get up, I'm just kind of wondering what to do next. It's going to be colder out and maybe raining. I don't really want to pass out in the mud wearing a fur dress and thigh high fur boots. It's hard telling what will happen. Actually I'm ready to just puss out on it all and go as something easier to do. I have to work concessions for the foot ball game tonight and by the time I get home it will be late. I won't have time to do anything. Then tomorrow I will cooking and making Jello Shooters and I'm not sure how much time I'll have to do anything else.
Maybe I should just go as this?
Venus...Goddess of Love! All I need is hair and nudity. I can do that!!!
Does anyone else notice how much I enjoy being naked?
I'll just have to wait and see what kind of a mood I wake up in tomorrow morning. But don't fret...there will be pictures of the entire thing, even if they are "Report This Blog for Objectionable Content" ones...I'll still be putting them up here.
Actually that leads me to another topic I've been meaning to discuss here.
Sex Toys...
Let me just say that I am very comfortable with my sexuality and very open about it. I know what I like and I'm not afraid to explore the orgasmic plains with someone I love and trust.
But if you are a woman who doesn't feel the need to have sex toys and you don't feel comfortable discussing your sexuality in public, that does NOT MAKE YOU A PRUDE.
Everyone has their own comfort zone and they know their bodies and the things that satisfy them.
I have an attitude about sex toys that some may find interesting. I look at it like this...
If you are a woman and you go into a shop, knowing that you need to pick out a nice suit to last you the rest of your life and you'll NEVER be able to get another suit and it'll have to last you...forever...then perhaps after wearing it ALL the time, you will decide you need a new purse or necklace to use with it. Maybe scarf or new shoes? Something to jazz it up, perhaps.
Some people will be content to wear the suit, plain as it came, and that's great.
But as for me?
Well...I'm not a peanut butter and jelly for lunch every day of the week lady. I need new shoes and new purses and trust me...I can have that suit looking brand new and spectacular even if I wear it EVERY DAMN DAY!!!
So I suppose you could say that I consider my sex toys to be necessary accessories to jazz up an old suit.
Love the suit mind you, but I'm always willing to try new things to make it even better....
And with that little tidbit of info, I'm done for now.
My mood for today is this...
Hahaha...sugar buzz,some fine beverages and a couple new accessories...I think the picture says it all...
Is that picture from the Beautiful Agony site?
ReplyDeleteAs to the adult toys thing, I'm new to that game, but am realizing I kind of LIKE jewelry...ifyaknowwhatImean.
Sex toys rock my socks. I do find it disappointing though when one does not work as well as one is led to believe...
ReplyDeletedo you hear a buzzing sound?
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that all the women that like to walk around naked a lot live at least 3 time zones from where I live. WTF is up with that. With that said more power (or maybe batteries) to ya.
ReplyDeleteOK People!!
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that the guy here in the comment section never heard of the "Beautiful Agony site", but Tiff has. I thought as a man I was genetically superior at finding porn sites. I'm just a failure. :(
Now I'm totally in the mood for wine and cheese!