My lover got called out to work this morning so I went down to the school and helped sell slushies to the kids.
Now mind you, these slushies were GOOD. Last week they tasted like shit and I'm embarrassed to admit that YES, we ripped the kids off.
But not intentionally. We weren't allowed to put sugar in anything according to the they were just plain old nasty. The principal even came out and told us about the no-calorie-no-caffeine, no-sugar smoothies she makes and suggested we use the recipes she had.
No offense but you KNOW kids are not going to want ANYTHING that doesn't send them into shock or fits of hysterics. And to try to sell stuff that touts no-caffeine and no-sugar are not going to be huge sellers.
Maybe if we were at a Richard Simmons reunion it'd work out for us, but for kids?
Tonight I'll work the football game at the high school selling real sugary slushies and there will be some major buzzes happening I'm sure.
Then when I arrive home, hopefully my lovey will have returned and I will be treated to a foot massage. Let's just say that my honey has this "thing" about feet and like to rub lotion on mine with 'ahem' different parts of his body.
Yeah, I know you didn't want to know that so then don't read it damn it! The important part of that entire paragraph is the fact that I'm getting a foot massage. It's very relaxing and the best part is that is leads up to my favorite form of exercise.
So there...
There is nothing wrong with a good girl like me wanting soft tootsies and some physical activity. It's completely normal I'm telling you.
Anyhow, that's all I have for you today. I need to go shower real quick and get some of the stickiness off me from the juice slushies. I don't want to be stung by hornets later tonight when I'm making slushies again...
I can't take the chance I'm going to get stung somewhere that doesn't need to swell up and get any bigger.
It's all plenty big enough already.
One last Nana is home and resting comfortably. I should know more about the results of the tumors removed on Monday. They ended up finding an extra one during surgery so now there are two to send to the lab for evaluation.
I'll let you know how that goes and thanks for the kind words.
And yes...Slushies are better with alcohol in them but I'm controlling my urge to do that while I'm on school property. I'm not a complete reprobate you know...
Not completely...
I wait till I get home..THEN I'm a BAD BAD girl....*GRIN*
When I was in college, I worked at Dairy Queen. We'd get a big bucket of Mr. Misty and pour grain alcohol in it for our parties. Tasty, but nasty at the same time.
ReplyDeleteA little something you should read !
Hope all is well with your Nana!
Slushies. In OCTOBER.
ReplyDeleteSomething's not right with that.
I know...I's too damn hot and it's scaring me.
ReplyDeleteI need cooler weather immediately...