I'm one sick puppy, you know that?
Like I've said before, writing in a blog is an addiction all it's own...seriously.
Anyway...I made it. I had the oral surgery with the condescending asshole surgeon. He was as condescending as ever but I managed to get a dig in before he put me to sleep.
I told him that it'd be nice to get rid of my teeth so they wouldn't irritate my husband any more. At first he looked confused but then I mentioned something about him not having to worry about gagging me, because I don't have a gag reflex and THEN he caught on.
He turned as pink as the diaper rash on a baby's ass.
I rather enjoyed making him blush...it allowed me to close my eyes with a smile on my face as I drifted off into anesthesia land...
I mostly felt ok yesterday and considering that I had just had two teeth cut out of my gums and the jaw bones scraped, I felt like a fucking super hero.
The pain medication might have had a little to do with that, but you know...whatever it takes.
I felt like a superhero so that's all that matters...even if I probably would have tripped over my own cape...
A few of my friends called to check on me...Missy, Paxton, Dee Dee and Jennifer..and I treated all of them to conversations with my mouth filled with gauze. I'm sure they all enjoyed listening to my drug induced rambling through mounds of gauze and drool. I figured it was just good blackmail material for a later time, although I don't think I mentioned anything illegal or immoral, but you know..it was something for us all to talk about today when they call.
Then I spent the rest of the day laying on the couch, drooling on myself and watching tv. I did watch a movie, which I remember liking, but couldn't tell you all the details..and I watched some tv shows, which I vaguely remember watching before so I think they were reruns or something.
I don't know...
I kept touching my swollen cheeks.
I had thoughts of sticking nuts in my mouth and holding them there...heh heh...and I think I pictured myself sitting in a tree but I can't be sure...
Then I slept...A LOT!!!
Normally I don't sleep that great so this is a big deal to me. I slept like a rock. I felt GREAT when I woke up this morning until I opened my mouth to talk...then not so great...
SO..I took more pain meds! Now I'm a Super-fucking-Hero!!! And while I'm not an advocate of taking a lot of pain meds, they're pretty handy sometimes.
But right now they're still kicking my ass so that's why this post makes no sense at all.
Oh yeah...I don't have a bushy tail...keep forgetting that...swollen cheeks...you know...confusion.
I think it's time to lie down with the ice bags again...I'm beginning to hurt more.
One good thing about recovering today is that I'm missing out on Elderly Hell Day AND it's the first of the month, so EVERYONE would be out and about and screeching and squealing through the grocery store with their shopping carts hell bent on killing innocent by-standers like yours truly...
It's hurts but it could be worse...that's my motto for today.
Feel well soon.
You know what is super yummy after an ordeal like yours? Frosty's from Wendy's. They were a lifesaver after I had my wisdom teeth removed.
ReplyDeleteIf you get tired of the gauze, you can pack a tea bag over the holes. Bite down on it good - will help the bleeding. Plus, it's kinda tasty.
Um, glad to hear you don't have a bushy tail. Me neither. Hope you get refills on those pills, got to keep us entertained!
ReplyDeleteHappy healing.