I felt dizzy (for real) yesterday and I still feel like shit today.
The symptoms are as follows...
An alien has been planted in my head while I was sleeping and it's trying to come out through my right eye. As I walk through my house, it feels like I just stepped off a merry-go-round and I've bumped into all of the furniture and walls at least three times.
I also feel like I'm wearing a huge suit, covering my body, filled with insulation and cement..it might kind of look like this...
Let's just say that I feel heavy and hot, dizzy and painful.
It's probably a sinus infection so I'll have to go to my doctor. When I go in we will play the same game we always do.I try to convince him that if he'd just give me a hysterectomy, I'd never get sick again.
He never buys into it, damn him!!!
SO....this was short and sweet but at least you know I'm alive...
Oh yeah, about the women and men being friends thing...well...I don't know if he thinks about me in "that" way or not, but I do NOT think about him that way. He's nine years younger than me. I doubt he's thinking of me that way. But anyway, thanks for all the comments. It always helps to get someone else's experience with things.
And with that said, THIS is my mood for today...
I suppose it could be worse...I could have the Hershey squirts...
Hi Tammie,
ReplyDeleteSorry you're not feeling well. I have several friends that are women, my wife is totally cool with it. We've been married 22 years, together 25. But I am aware of how thin the line is (from some painful personal experience). It's an easy thing to be naive about, even if you have it all thought out and filed properly mentally and emotionally. You could find yourself in weird place without knowing how you got there...
as far as the gossips, really, who give a crap! Let 'em talk...
Hey there,
ReplyDeleteGet well soon. Remember your doctor is you best friend because they have access to the best drugs. :)
Is any of this 'sickness' a hangover from celebrating the Red Sox KICKING ASS last night! World Series baby!
ReplyDeleteI'm no doctor, (although I played one as a child) but I don't think a hysterectomy is going to cure a hangover.
You are one funny little lady.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to go back and read through all the older posts to catch up, but I keep having a problem with expelling liquids through my nose. What the hell - I need a new keyboard anyway.
A woman who is funny and admits to the walking farts. What's not to like?