This is what happened to her 'emotionally'.
First she got some of this....
Then this...
And more of this...
So she did a little of this...
But that just resulted in getting this...
And the whole thing just made her feel like this...
Because even though she didn't say or do anything, she couldn't stop it. It made her feel like she was on trial...
So today...she feels like this...
Don't worry...she'll be back tomorrow but right now, she's a little bit tired of it all.
This is what she's going to be doing most of the day...
Napping is very good for the soul. As well as chocolate. Mmmmmm chocolate. Hope your feeling better.
Catch some extra ZzZzZz for me too. I hope you feel better, Tammie.
ReplyDeleteI have a hershey bar if you'd like to share........
A nap will do me good.
ReplyDeleteI was almost to the point where I had decided to pack up my house and move back to Maine but then I realized I was too sleepy to do anything...especially make rational decisions....
I was in a champagne induced haze as well, although it was a second hand champagne hangover via the television. And getting up this morning was VERY difficult. But I found the cure, rode my motorcycle to work when it was 38 degrees out. That cleared my head in a hurry.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your nap!
Scott, a hang over would be a welcomed thing in comparison to what's really been going on.
ReplyDeleteI've just been the brunt of some gossip and a target for a few people who think they're still in high school.
While I thought hiding out in my house would deter them, it hasn't.
Right now I'm not really sure what to do. Moving back to Maine sounds pretty good.
I suppose in time they'll grow tired of harassing me or they'll need something from me and then it will all stop.
I don't all just wears me out. I need sleep...