Yesterday was one of those 'special' days.
Everything and I do mean EVERYTHING I touched exploded or fell to pieces.
I dropped, slipped and spun...just to name a few verbs to describe my shenanigans.
My first encounter with the day began with spilling an entire cup of scalding coffee on my feet. My shoes were sopping wet, my white socks are now tan and my skin is a sweet shade of pink.
Of course that wasn't enough damage for me.
I cleaned up and refilled my cup, only to spill THAT cup on the cat. Only a fraction of his tail got it because thankfully he's faster than he looks.
Most of the mess ended up on the floor, which I cleaned up, but only after slipping in it and spinning in a circle. The spin resulted in tearing down most of the papers on the bulletin board as I tried to catch myself, so that made more work.
I hesitated to go upstairs and take a shower. I envisioned the paramedics having to break into my house and pull my naked soapy body out from between the wall and the toilet. I felt surely I must be jinxed and I worried about what might happen to me next.The entire time I was crawling on my belly up the stairs in fact.
Believe me...I've had days like this before....the belly crawl and I are well acquainted.
I made it safely upstairs and undressed without incident. No getting trapped in my shirt as I pulled it over my head (which has happened before but usually in public dressing rooms). I stepped into the shower without tripping on the side of the tub and ripping the shower curtain down or flipping on a bar of soap and knocking myself out.
"Hey...this is going pretty good",I thought."Maybe the klutz curse is done for today?"
So I confidently got out of the tub and wiped off. I then walked from the bathroom to my bedroom without tripping over any pets or scraping my TaTas on any door frames or dressers.
I got dressed WITHOUT zipping any of my hair in my pants.(you can assume the location of the hair in question all by yourselves I'm sure.)
I got my bra on without it breaking free and slinging things in every direction.
I put socks on without losing my balance and falling headfirst into the floor...(yeah that's happened too)
The shirt went on ok too in spite of having to pull it over my head.
So...after drying my hair with the blow dryer without suffering third degree burns,I was feeling pretty confident.
I decided to go ahead and pluck my eyebrows.
I forged ahead and began my plucking in earnest. I plucked and plucked.
I then stood back to admire my work and felt very proud.
But there were a couple of eyebrow hairs that were a little longer than they others. So I decided to get my trimmer and trim those unruly little bastards!
"Hmmm...I think I'm going to be ok the rest of the day."
Famous last words....
I began to trim my left eyebrow and made it straight and tidy. I then moved on to the right side. Just as I was almost finished, my cell phone, in the back pocket of my jeans began to vibrate.
Well...things that vibrate tend to shake me up a bit, you know?
I reacted to the vibrating phone with a jerk of my arm. The shaver came down and took part of my eyebrow awaayyyy forevvvveeerrrr.....
Isn't that special?
Normally I think my glasses makes me look smarter than I am, but that probably wouldn't apply to this picture would it?
Anyway, you'd think something like this would devastate me. Nope. Instead I laughed like an idiot every time I looked at myself in the mirror. I just couldn't help it. Imagine me driving to the dentist office later that afternoon, glancing in my rear view mirror to check behind me, then laughing like a crazed maniac as people in other cars looked over to see what I was doing.
Yeah...I had to go to the dentist yesterday after shaving half my stupid eyebrow off. It took them a very long time and I believe the eyebrow was a distraction. My dentist is a woman and a mighty fine woman dentist at that, but you know, she is still a woman and women notice things like half shaved off eyebrows.
She smiled politely, along with the hygienist, but I could tell they both saw "The Eyebrow" and couldn't help but wonder.
So I had no other choice than to fill them in on it. It broke the ice and after a good laugh, we got them toofers filled and I was outta there!
I sped home in record time to get ready for Trick or Treaters because here in good old West Virginia they set days and times for that sort of mischief.
I got an odd look from my son as I walked in the door. Then my husband. Then my daughter and later even from the Trick or Treaters themselves. I figured it was the eyebrow and feeling a little self-conscious, I went in and put my Red Sox cap on to hide it.
Come to find out though, it was the drooping left side of my face that had everyone staring. But I'm sure the eyebrow and the pool of drool sliding out of the corner of my mouth didn't help.The shot the dentist gave me must have been a doozy. Half my face was still numb when I went to bed. I couldn't even get my lips to work right to give the hubby a kiss goodnight.
And so...IN the end I did eventually manage to get into bed without further mishap or injury.
And so far today, I'm ok. I have even had coffee without wearing it. Just to be on the safe side I plan to leave everything that makes a buzzing sound alone.
With that said, THIS is my mood for today....
I have to clean my house but after yesterday I'm STILL a little nervous....but can you blame me?
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
And to all a sweet goodnight...
A blog friend of mine passed away Sunday evening. I read about it this morning. I can't imagine the horror of losing someone so suddenly like that. One day earlier this month he walked into a door and give himself a black eye.A clumsy mistake I've made a thousand times.The black eye injury developed into an infection. The infection turned into that terrible staph MRSR infection.Then they hospitalized him and ended up having to take his eye to try to save his life. But that wasn't enough. The infection raged on and he ended up having a heart attack.
It was just too much for his body to take.
While I hadn't known him very long, I did go back and read the past month of events. Things I had missed before. Actually I discovered by reading the comments on WVSR that I had read his other blog before,(without realizing it). I went back to look at it and read it again but I can only find one entry remaining in it now. Without quoting verbatim what he wrote about in it,I can tell you that he had a wonderful,witty style to his writing. He had a dry sense of humor and he wasn't afraid to say what he was thinking. His opinions on things were diverse and colorful. Because I read his blogs and shared his thoughts on life occasionally,I can't help but keep thinking what an amazing person he was. I was an acquaintance of his and that makes me feel honored.
I was given the opportunity to meet him, along with many others, through blogging.
I hadn't really thought much about blogging as being an opportunity to meet people. Not really. I have met people through blogging. In fact they are the greatest people I know. And really, I think I know them better than I know some of my closest friends. There is something very casual and relaxed about sitting and writing your thoughts down in a blog. You write about your wishes and desires, your dreams and fears, disappointments and triumphs....
I think the result of that is an ability to be more open and honest, where as if you're out among people you tend to be more reserved and hold back a little.
I know that I feel like some people I know expect me to act a certain way when I'm around them. They see me as being silly and fun and energetic and on the occasion I'm not, they don't know how to deal with me. It's foreign to them. So I feel stifled and uncomfortable occasionally. I do hold back sometimes. I feel like they only like part of me and if I share the rest with them, they'll walk away from it.
Some people have actually done that...the fun is complicated enough for them, thank you very much. They can't handle the heavy stuff.
Of course I write in my blogs for myself. I'm pretty selfish like that. I need an outlet and a place to think and put my life in perspective.
I don't really think of it as anything but therapy. It's my escape. These are my thoughts and they seem a little more valuable to me when I can put them down in my blog. Hell...there are days that I'm the only one listening to myself in my house and among the people I see every day. I NEED this place to feel like I have a voice in this world. So this is my therapy. Anyone who wants to read it, great. But if no one does, that's ok too. I have no pressure to write in here, instead it's a source of joy and comfort.
So because it's my savior of sorts, I guess I hadn't thought about my thoughts and words being my own epitaph someday, but they will be. When I die, someone may read this and know all about the person I was. In fact, just for good measure I'll include this little picture of me at Thanksgiving 1971.
I think that the chain of events that led up to this tragedy has caused me to stop and really think about how I spend my time. It's caused me to examine everything about myself. There is so much I want to do and experience in life, but it seems there is always something else to do so I put it off. Actually, we all put off things we say we'll do later when we have more time.
But what if we don't have anymore time?
What if we never get the chance to call that friend or take our child to the zoo or make that sculpture we've always wanted to attempt? We think we will live forever, but we don't. We all die someday. And sometimes we die unexpectedly.
I have this friend who is a workaholic. He works long hours and has to travel often. His job is very stressful and demanding. He has literally NO TIME for anything except work. He doesn't even get enough rest. He's always tired.
I really worry about him. I worry about him dropping dead of a heart attack. I worry about him dying without even being able to live a little first. He doesn't seem to be happy...ever.
I sent him an email not too long ago, telling him about my blog. Maybe it was an attempt to keep in contact somehow or maybe I was hoping to make him laugh a little, I don't know really,but I doubt he's ever even looked at it.
I used to call him sometimes,to check on him, but that's become less and less frequent. And I email him occasionally, but that's dwindling too.I don't ever get any response and I'm not even certain he's getting them.
I never hear anything from him so I have no idea how he is or whether he's even in good health or spirits.
And I worry about him.CONSTANTLY. He looks more and more tired every time I manage to get a glimpse at him and he's aged ten years in the last two. But how could he possibly keep up this pace and not become old before his time? He has no time to experience happiness! He has no time to devote to happiness or even established relationship!
All he has time for is work.
His job is a cage,a's a dungeon,brick walls holding him captive and keeping him away from everything.
And it scares me that someday he will die, unexpectedly, alone in that stupid dungeon. He's a wonderful person and he doesn't deserve that, but I'm helpless to do anything about it. I've reached out to him but I might as well be reaching out to touch a star in the night sky...he's so far away.
I don't want to regret a single day of my life. I may seem pushy at times and intrusive too with my phone calls or emails, but I don't want to die without the people I love knowing how important they are to me. And how much they blessed my life and made a difference in it. I don't want to leave this world with anyone left here questioning how important they were to me. I want people to know the difference they've made in my life. I want the people in this world who have filled me with love and courage and happiness to KNOW that they were part of the reason for me being who I am.
I'm very sad for Dr.Syn's family. I think his death is unfair and tragic. It makes me hurt and cry and feel angry at the injustice of it.
But I would like to think that perhaps Dr.Syn would be happy at the thought that someone could find something good to take from this tragedy, so I'm going to try to do that.
The turn of events opened my eyes to the things that mean something to me. It made me realize how precious my life is and how valuable my time is.
I think that's a good thing for us all to realize...
So perhaps the next time I find myself promising to call a friend 'later, when I have more time', I'll think of Dr. Syn and not put it off. Instead I will pick up the phone and make that call and tell the person on the other end of the line how important they are to me and how they've impacted my life.
I think that would be a good way to honor his memory.
It was just too much for his body to take.
While I hadn't known him very long, I did go back and read the past month of events. Things I had missed before. Actually I discovered by reading the comments on WVSR that I had read his other blog before,(without realizing it). I went back to look at it and read it again but I can only find one entry remaining in it now. Without quoting verbatim what he wrote about in it,I can tell you that he had a wonderful,witty style to his writing. He had a dry sense of humor and he wasn't afraid to say what he was thinking. His opinions on things were diverse and colorful. Because I read his blogs and shared his thoughts on life occasionally,I can't help but keep thinking what an amazing person he was. I was an acquaintance of his and that makes me feel honored.
I was given the opportunity to meet him, along with many others, through blogging.
I hadn't really thought much about blogging as being an opportunity to meet people. Not really. I have met people through blogging. In fact they are the greatest people I know. And really, I think I know them better than I know some of my closest friends. There is something very casual and relaxed about sitting and writing your thoughts down in a blog. You write about your wishes and desires, your dreams and fears, disappointments and triumphs....
I think the result of that is an ability to be more open and honest, where as if you're out among people you tend to be more reserved and hold back a little.
I know that I feel like some people I know expect me to act a certain way when I'm around them. They see me as being silly and fun and energetic and on the occasion I'm not, they don't know how to deal with me. It's foreign to them. So I feel stifled and uncomfortable occasionally. I do hold back sometimes. I feel like they only like part of me and if I share the rest with them, they'll walk away from it.
Some people have actually done that...the fun is complicated enough for them, thank you very much. They can't handle the heavy stuff.
Of course I write in my blogs for myself. I'm pretty selfish like that. I need an outlet and a place to think and put my life in perspective.
I don't really think of it as anything but therapy. It's my escape. These are my thoughts and they seem a little more valuable to me when I can put them down in my blog. Hell...there are days that I'm the only one listening to myself in my house and among the people I see every day. I NEED this place to feel like I have a voice in this world. So this is my therapy. Anyone who wants to read it, great. But if no one does, that's ok too. I have no pressure to write in here, instead it's a source of joy and comfort.
So because it's my savior of sorts, I guess I hadn't thought about my thoughts and words being my own epitaph someday, but they will be. When I die, someone may read this and know all about the person I was. In fact, just for good measure I'll include this little picture of me at Thanksgiving 1971.
I think that the chain of events that led up to this tragedy has caused me to stop and really think about how I spend my time. It's caused me to examine everything about myself. There is so much I want to do and experience in life, but it seems there is always something else to do so I put it off. Actually, we all put off things we say we'll do later when we have more time.
But what if we don't have anymore time?
What if we never get the chance to call that friend or take our child to the zoo or make that sculpture we've always wanted to attempt? We think we will live forever, but we don't. We all die someday. And sometimes we die unexpectedly.
I have this friend who is a workaholic. He works long hours and has to travel often. His job is very stressful and demanding. He has literally NO TIME for anything except work. He doesn't even get enough rest. He's always tired.
I really worry about him. I worry about him dropping dead of a heart attack. I worry about him dying without even being able to live a little first. He doesn't seem to be happy...ever.
I sent him an email not too long ago, telling him about my blog. Maybe it was an attempt to keep in contact somehow or maybe I was hoping to make him laugh a little, I don't know really,but I doubt he's ever even looked at it.
I used to call him sometimes,to check on him, but that's become less and less frequent. And I email him occasionally, but that's dwindling too.I don't ever get any response and I'm not even certain he's getting them.
I never hear anything from him so I have no idea how he is or whether he's even in good health or spirits.
And I worry about him.CONSTANTLY. He looks more and more tired every time I manage to get a glimpse at him and he's aged ten years in the last two. But how could he possibly keep up this pace and not become old before his time? He has no time to experience happiness! He has no time to devote to happiness or even established relationship!
All he has time for is work.
His job is a cage,a's a dungeon,brick walls holding him captive and keeping him away from everything.
And it scares me that someday he will die, unexpectedly, alone in that stupid dungeon. He's a wonderful person and he doesn't deserve that, but I'm helpless to do anything about it. I've reached out to him but I might as well be reaching out to touch a star in the night sky...he's so far away.
I don't want to regret a single day of my life. I may seem pushy at times and intrusive too with my phone calls or emails, but I don't want to die without the people I love knowing how important they are to me. And how much they blessed my life and made a difference in it. I don't want to leave this world with anyone left here questioning how important they were to me. I want people to know the difference they've made in my life. I want the people in this world who have filled me with love and courage and happiness to KNOW that they were part of the reason for me being who I am.
I'm very sad for Dr.Syn's family. I think his death is unfair and tragic. It makes me hurt and cry and feel angry at the injustice of it.
But I would like to think that perhaps Dr.Syn would be happy at the thought that someone could find something good to take from this tragedy, so I'm going to try to do that.
The turn of events opened my eyes to the things that mean something to me. It made me realize how precious my life is and how valuable my time is.
I think that's a good thing for us all to realize...
So perhaps the next time I find myself promising to call a friend 'later, when I have more time', I'll think of Dr. Syn and not put it off. Instead I will pick up the phone and make that call and tell the person on the other end of the line how important they are to me and how they've impacted my life.
I think that would be a good way to honor his memory.
Monday, October 29, 2007
I'm a schlepp....
Yeah, I'm pretty beat down right now, but after reading about what's going on with Dr. Syn, I feel like a shit.
Things could be so much worse for me. I may be the topic of gossip and the target for the drama queens but at least I have my health.
Nothing like a dose of reality to bite you on the ass to drag you out of your self pity is there?
I'm still going to take a nap though...while it's not as bad as it could be, I'm still emotionally drained and need some sleep.
I'll be back tomorrow with much discussion about these guys...
Things could be so much worse for me. I may be the topic of gossip and the target for the drama queens but at least I have my health.
Nothing like a dose of reality to bite you on the ass to drag you out of your self pity is there?
I'm still going to take a nap though...while it's not as bad as it could be, I'm still emotionally drained and need some sleep.
I'll be back tomorrow with much discussion about these guys...
A month is a long time....
Once upon a time, about a month ago, there was a woman named Tammie.
This is what happened to her 'emotionally'.
First she got some of this....
Then this...
And more of this...
So she did a little of this...
But that just resulted in getting this...
And the whole thing just made her feel like this...
Because even though she didn't say or do anything, she couldn't stop it. It made her feel like she was on trial...
So today...she feels like this...
Don't worry...she'll be back tomorrow but right now, she's a little bit tired of it all.
This is what she's going to be doing most of the day...
This is what happened to her 'emotionally'.
First she got some of this....
Then this...
And more of this...
So she did a little of this...
But that just resulted in getting this...
And the whole thing just made her feel like this...
Because even though she didn't say or do anything, she couldn't stop it. It made her feel like she was on trial...
So today...she feels like this...
Don't worry...she'll be back tomorrow but right now, she's a little bit tired of it all.
This is what she's going to be doing most of the day...
Friday, October 26, 2007
Sugar buzz and a six pack....
I'm sorry I'm late posting today but my hubby invited me to get out of the house with him. I had a million things to do, like write in here, but I decided it might be fun so we went out.
We ended up at the Capitol Market.
I actually really enjoy going up there. I buy some more obscure things from the Purple Onion and I love the Wine Shop. Today I purchased a six pack of Sam Adams Octoberfest for game number four of the World Series (which I may or may not share with my hubby.) I will be partaking at the Dunlap's on Saturday night during game number three so I plan to save my Sam's for the next game.
I also got a couple bottles of wine. A bottle of Ironstone Symphony and a bottle of Gewürztraminer. Both white wines with a hint of sweet, but not too sweet. I bought a block of smoked Gouda and some great lakes white cheddar and now I'm good to go for Sunday afternoon...
They asked me if I was in their computer. I guess if you spend at least a hundred dollars with them a month, you qualify for big savings.
At first I declined being set up in their system, thinking there is no way I spend a hundred dollars a month on wine and beer, then I began to reconsider...ummm...I spent forty today. And that's perhaps a weeks worth of beverages...
Yeah..I ended up signing up for the discount thing...LOL
After eating lunch at the seafood place, we ended up buying some chocolate. Man...the Kahlua and Baily's chocolates are the BOMB! It was an orgasm of the taste buds. I could eat those things all day long....
Now, I am home again and after slacking all day long, I need to work on my costume. I have part of the boots finished, not thigh highs like someone suggested either. As for the rest of my get up, I'm just kind of wondering what to do next. It's going to be colder out and maybe raining. I don't really want to pass out in the mud wearing a fur dress and thigh high fur boots. It's hard telling what will happen. Actually I'm ready to just puss out on it all and go as something easier to do. I have to work concessions for the foot ball game tonight and by the time I get home it will be late. I won't have time to do anything. Then tomorrow I will cooking and making Jello Shooters and I'm not sure how much time I'll have to do anything else.
Maybe I should just go as this?
Venus...Goddess of Love! All I need is hair and nudity. I can do that!!!
Does anyone else notice how much I enjoy being naked?
I'll just have to wait and see what kind of a mood I wake up in tomorrow morning. But don't fret...there will be pictures of the entire thing, even if they are "Report This Blog for Objectionable Content" ones...I'll still be putting them up here.
Actually that leads me to another topic I've been meaning to discuss here.
Sex Toys...
Let me just say that I am very comfortable with my sexuality and very open about it. I know what I like and I'm not afraid to explore the orgasmic plains with someone I love and trust.
But if you are a woman who doesn't feel the need to have sex toys and you don't feel comfortable discussing your sexuality in public, that does NOT MAKE YOU A PRUDE.
Everyone has their own comfort zone and they know their bodies and the things that satisfy them.
I have an attitude about sex toys that some may find interesting. I look at it like this...
If you are a woman and you go into a shop, knowing that you need to pick out a nice suit to last you the rest of your life and you'll NEVER be able to get another suit and it'll have to last you...forever...then perhaps after wearing it ALL the time, you will decide you need a new purse or necklace to use with it. Maybe scarf or new shoes? Something to jazz it up, perhaps.
Some people will be content to wear the suit, plain as it came, and that's great.
But as for me?
Well...I'm not a peanut butter and jelly for lunch every day of the week lady. I need new shoes and new purses and trust me...I can have that suit looking brand new and spectacular even if I wear it EVERY DAMN DAY!!!
So I suppose you could say that I consider my sex toys to be necessary accessories to jazz up an old suit.
Love the suit mind you, but I'm always willing to try new things to make it even better....
And with that little tidbit of info, I'm done for now.
My mood for today is this...
Hahaha...sugar buzz,some fine beverages and a couple new accessories...I think the picture says it all...
We ended up at the Capitol Market.
I actually really enjoy going up there. I buy some more obscure things from the Purple Onion and I love the Wine Shop. Today I purchased a six pack of Sam Adams Octoberfest for game number four of the World Series (which I may or may not share with my hubby.) I will be partaking at the Dunlap's on Saturday night during game number three so I plan to save my Sam's for the next game.
I also got a couple bottles of wine. A bottle of Ironstone Symphony and a bottle of Gewürztraminer. Both white wines with a hint of sweet, but not too sweet. I bought a block of smoked Gouda and some great lakes white cheddar and now I'm good to go for Sunday afternoon...
They asked me if I was in their computer. I guess if you spend at least a hundred dollars with them a month, you qualify for big savings.
At first I declined being set up in their system, thinking there is no way I spend a hundred dollars a month on wine and beer, then I began to reconsider...ummm...I spent forty today. And that's perhaps a weeks worth of beverages...
Yeah..I ended up signing up for the discount thing...LOL
After eating lunch at the seafood place, we ended up buying some chocolate. Man...the Kahlua and Baily's chocolates are the BOMB! It was an orgasm of the taste buds. I could eat those things all day long....
Now, I am home again and after slacking all day long, I need to work on my costume. I have part of the boots finished, not thigh highs like someone suggested either. As for the rest of my get up, I'm just kind of wondering what to do next. It's going to be colder out and maybe raining. I don't really want to pass out in the mud wearing a fur dress and thigh high fur boots. It's hard telling what will happen. Actually I'm ready to just puss out on it all and go as something easier to do. I have to work concessions for the foot ball game tonight and by the time I get home it will be late. I won't have time to do anything. Then tomorrow I will cooking and making Jello Shooters and I'm not sure how much time I'll have to do anything else.
Maybe I should just go as this?
Venus...Goddess of Love! All I need is hair and nudity. I can do that!!!
Does anyone else notice how much I enjoy being naked?
I'll just have to wait and see what kind of a mood I wake up in tomorrow morning. But don't fret...there will be pictures of the entire thing, even if they are "Report This Blog for Objectionable Content" ones...I'll still be putting them up here.
Actually that leads me to another topic I've been meaning to discuss here.
Sex Toys...
Let me just say that I am very comfortable with my sexuality and very open about it. I know what I like and I'm not afraid to explore the orgasmic plains with someone I love and trust.
But if you are a woman who doesn't feel the need to have sex toys and you don't feel comfortable discussing your sexuality in public, that does NOT MAKE YOU A PRUDE.
Everyone has their own comfort zone and they know their bodies and the things that satisfy them.
I have an attitude about sex toys that some may find interesting. I look at it like this...
If you are a woman and you go into a shop, knowing that you need to pick out a nice suit to last you the rest of your life and you'll NEVER be able to get another suit and it'll have to last you...forever...then perhaps after wearing it ALL the time, you will decide you need a new purse or necklace to use with it. Maybe scarf or new shoes? Something to jazz it up, perhaps.
Some people will be content to wear the suit, plain as it came, and that's great.
But as for me?
Well...I'm not a peanut butter and jelly for lunch every day of the week lady. I need new shoes and new purses and trust me...I can have that suit looking brand new and spectacular even if I wear it EVERY DAMN DAY!!!
So I suppose you could say that I consider my sex toys to be necessary accessories to jazz up an old suit.
Love the suit mind you, but I'm always willing to try new things to make it even better....
And with that little tidbit of info, I'm done for now.
My mood for today is this...
Hahaha...sugar buzz,some fine beverages and a couple new accessories...I think the picture says it all...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
The lessons we try to teach our kids....
When someone talks about you behind your back it's easy to get very angry.
Your first reaction is to lash out and tell them off.
Or maybe you feel like trashing them the way they're trashing you.
But anger is easy...
Getting angry and acting the exact same way your tormentor is takes absolutely no effort.
Look MA! No self control! No maturity! No integrity!
Last night my daughter got into a battle with a girl she used to go to school with and considered to be a friend. The entire thing ended up completely out of control. Her reaction to the entire situation made her look bad. I was embarrassed for her.But I knew she was hurt and upset. No one thinks rationally when they feel like that. So of course no matter how I tried to point out how immature and childish it was for her to lash back at this girl, her anger clouded her judgment and she just couldn't stop herself.
I mean, I know where she's coming from. I've had my share of confrontations.I've lashed out at someone who has hurt me before. But it hasn't accomplished anything either. I've just felt worse in the end and it hasn't fixed the situation.I've been embarrassed about losing my temper and acting nasty and lost respect for myself.
Repaying someone with the same destructive hate and lies they throw out there to destroy you, just makes you no better than them. It doesn't teach them a lesson or fix things. It just fuels the fire.
She thinks I don't know how she feels but I do. I get talked about. Some of it gets back to me sometimes. And it hurts me. Especially if it comes from someone I consider to be a friend.
So what do I do about it?
Do I spill all of their secrets and try to make other people hate them?
Do I rant and rave and call them every nasty name in the universe?
After all, I have to be able to respect myself when I look in that mirror every morning.
Just like my daughter, I've slipped and said things and done things I shouldn't have. And it has made me feel worse about myself in the end.
But that's one of the perks of having a blog. I can examine myself and be my own behavioral policeman...
Some might say I use it as a forum to bash people, but I welcome anyone to look through all of my posts. I have nothing to hide.
I write and I try to learn from my mistakes.
I have had some bad experiences with people and I can say that in dealing with back stabbers and two faced people,these are a few things that hold true...
You can't fix a liar. You can offer ways for them to gracefully back out of the lie, but in the end, if they are going to lie to you or about you, there is no way to fix it. So don't try. Trying just makes them more desperate and it will only make it worse.
You can't take back the things you say. If someone says or does something to hurt you, trying to hold off on saying anything at all is always best. Once you explode and say something, you can't take it back. Yes, perhaps you can work out an apology and repair the damage, but people don't forget...even the ones who say they have forgiven you.
We are all human and make mistakes. This is probably the best one to keep in the front of your mind at all times. If someone does you wrong, the first thought should be that they made a mistake in judgment, just like you've done a million times. It's much easier to look at things perspectively if you apply it to yourself. After all, you don't want to admit you're not perfect, right? By applying things to yourself, you can empathize more with the frame of mind the person was in when they said and did the things they said. It's easier to squelch your anger and deal with it in a calm and rational way.
You need to forgive. If you don't forgive then it will eat you alive. Now I'm not saying you should forgive and allow someone to walk over you time and time again, but sometimes a person isn't a very good friend, because no one has ever set an example but being reliable and trustworthy. Someone else's nasty behavior doesn't give you permission to act the same way. You're still accountable for your own words and actions. The forgiving is important. Anger is like acid. It will destroy what it's poured on but in time it will also destroy the container that holds it.
There will always be someone who will target you. I think this is probably the most unfair truth there is. I'm trying to teach myself to be a better person and I try very hard to do the best I can, but even so, I will still be talked about and people will still find things to dislike about me. It seems to be the nature of the beast. Some people say mean things about other people to make themselves seem more important or build their self-esteem. Sometimes it will be you. There is nothing you can do to stop it or change it. You can be nice to everyone in the entire universe and there will still be someone who will find fault in something you say or do. That's why the self-respect and doing the best you can is very important. You'll never live up to the expectations of others, so it's best to live up to your own.
I only hope that maybe some of this sinks in when I talk to her about it after school today. I'll probably have her read my blog because after all, this is the place I write carefully and honestly.
It wasn't much for humor today, but it was on my heart and with that said...this is my mood for today...
I know how disillusioned you can feel when a person you consider to be your friend says such terrible things about you and to you. I can sympathize because I've known first hand what it's like to be in her shoes....
It stays in your heart for a long time.
Your first reaction is to lash out and tell them off.
Or maybe you feel like trashing them the way they're trashing you.
But anger is easy...
Getting angry and acting the exact same way your tormentor is takes absolutely no effort.
Look MA! No self control! No maturity! No integrity!
Last night my daughter got into a battle with a girl she used to go to school with and considered to be a friend. The entire thing ended up completely out of control. Her reaction to the entire situation made her look bad. I was embarrassed for her.But I knew she was hurt and upset. No one thinks rationally when they feel like that. So of course no matter how I tried to point out how immature and childish it was for her to lash back at this girl, her anger clouded her judgment and she just couldn't stop herself.
I mean, I know where she's coming from. I've had my share of confrontations.I've lashed out at someone who has hurt me before. But it hasn't accomplished anything either. I've just felt worse in the end and it hasn't fixed the situation.I've been embarrassed about losing my temper and acting nasty and lost respect for myself.
Repaying someone with the same destructive hate and lies they throw out there to destroy you, just makes you no better than them. It doesn't teach them a lesson or fix things. It just fuels the fire.
She thinks I don't know how she feels but I do. I get talked about. Some of it gets back to me sometimes. And it hurts me. Especially if it comes from someone I consider to be a friend.
So what do I do about it?
Do I spill all of their secrets and try to make other people hate them?
Do I rant and rave and call them every nasty name in the universe?
After all, I have to be able to respect myself when I look in that mirror every morning.
Just like my daughter, I've slipped and said things and done things I shouldn't have. And it has made me feel worse about myself in the end.
But that's one of the perks of having a blog. I can examine myself and be my own behavioral policeman...
Some might say I use it as a forum to bash people, but I welcome anyone to look through all of my posts. I have nothing to hide.
I write and I try to learn from my mistakes.
I have had some bad experiences with people and I can say that in dealing with back stabbers and two faced people,these are a few things that hold true...
You can't fix a liar. You can offer ways for them to gracefully back out of the lie, but in the end, if they are going to lie to you or about you, there is no way to fix it. So don't try. Trying just makes them more desperate and it will only make it worse.
You can't take back the things you say. If someone says or does something to hurt you, trying to hold off on saying anything at all is always best. Once you explode and say something, you can't take it back. Yes, perhaps you can work out an apology and repair the damage, but people don't forget...even the ones who say they have forgiven you.
We are all human and make mistakes. This is probably the best one to keep in the front of your mind at all times. If someone does you wrong, the first thought should be that they made a mistake in judgment, just like you've done a million times. It's much easier to look at things perspectively if you apply it to yourself. After all, you don't want to admit you're not perfect, right? By applying things to yourself, you can empathize more with the frame of mind the person was in when they said and did the things they said. It's easier to squelch your anger and deal with it in a calm and rational way.
You need to forgive. If you don't forgive then it will eat you alive. Now I'm not saying you should forgive and allow someone to walk over you time and time again, but sometimes a person isn't a very good friend, because no one has ever set an example but being reliable and trustworthy. Someone else's nasty behavior doesn't give you permission to act the same way. You're still accountable for your own words and actions. The forgiving is important. Anger is like acid. It will destroy what it's poured on but in time it will also destroy the container that holds it.
There will always be someone who will target you. I think this is probably the most unfair truth there is. I'm trying to teach myself to be a better person and I try very hard to do the best I can, but even so, I will still be talked about and people will still find things to dislike about me. It seems to be the nature of the beast. Some people say mean things about other people to make themselves seem more important or build their self-esteem. Sometimes it will be you. There is nothing you can do to stop it or change it. You can be nice to everyone in the entire universe and there will still be someone who will find fault in something you say or do. That's why the self-respect and doing the best you can is very important. You'll never live up to the expectations of others, so it's best to live up to your own.
I only hope that maybe some of this sinks in when I talk to her about it after school today. I'll probably have her read my blog because after all, this is the place I write carefully and honestly.
It wasn't much for humor today, but it was on my heart and with that said...this is my mood for today...
I know how disillusioned you can feel when a person you consider to be your friend says such terrible things about you and to you. I can sympathize because I've known first hand what it's like to be in her shoes....
It stays in your heart for a long time.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
This is where I'll be going shortly...
I'm a HUGE chicken when it comes to going to the dentist. Really I am. I whimper like a baby and shake at the sound of a drill.
I had some bad experiences as a child.
The dentist I went to was the only dentist in town and happened to be a drunk as well. Most of the time he was working, he was most likely drinking too.
I had the pleasure of being tortured by him on several occasions and consequently have lost several teeth due to his intoxicated drilling.
Special isn't it?
Anyway, today I go to have some of the damage repaired and yes, there will be shots involved but not the good kind...
Ah well...I'll just have to be tough and suck it up. I can deal with's the drill noise that gets me...*shakes*.
On that happy note, I will attempt to write later because I have something on my mind, but in case I am incapacitated and unable to get to it, here is my mood for the day....
I'm such a wimpy ass....
I'm a HUGE chicken when it comes to going to the dentist. Really I am. I whimper like a baby and shake at the sound of a drill.
I had some bad experiences as a child.
The dentist I went to was the only dentist in town and happened to be a drunk as well. Most of the time he was working, he was most likely drinking too.
I had the pleasure of being tortured by him on several occasions and consequently have lost several teeth due to his intoxicated drilling.
Special isn't it?
Anyway, today I go to have some of the damage repaired and yes, there will be shots involved but not the good kind...
Ah well...I'll just have to be tough and suck it up. I can deal with's the drill noise that gets me...*shakes*.
On that happy note, I will attempt to write later because I have something on my mind, but in case I am incapacitated and unable to get to it, here is my mood for the day....
I'm such a wimpy ass....
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Safe at home, she contemplates fashion...
It's Elderly Hell Day folks!!! And this little swede is not planning to go out among the throngs of Geritol-iacs. They will soon be on their way to the doctor, pharmacy and grocery store. I plan to be safe in my house while they are out hurting other people besides me.
Last night I remembered about today being Tuesday and I even made an emergency run to Krogers to make sure I had the fixings for dinner tonight.
I'm learning, but occasionally I forget and end up being eyed by some old white lady who hates me and wants to run over me with her shopping cart or huge car.'s a good thing.
So now that I'm stuck in the house all day, I'm doing fun FUN stuff, like cleaning and picking up EVERYONE ELSE"S SHIT!!!!
I'm telling family hasn't got a clue when it comes to taking care of themselves. If it weren't for me running around behind them, wiping their asses, they'd fall into helpless heaps of flesh, whining incessantly and demanding things.
I'm NOT exaggerating either...
I've tried to explain how it makes me feel. You know...share my feelings with my no avail.
He just doesn't I should have explained things when I was a tad bit calmer?
Don't get me wrong. I love my family. But I'm sure that somehow I'm responsible for the monster I've created because by shit, that's what people will tell you if you complain to them.
Have you ever noticed that?
When you complain about something, it always seems to end up being all your fault, like you are in control of the entire universe and everything in it. I disagree with that. You can tell people things and you can allow them to suffer the consequences if they don't do what they're supposed to, but they won't always learn from it, you know.
Come on now!!! If I was in control of the entire universe and everything in it I'd be making few changes....
For one thing,we would all be nudists because I hate to wash clothes and iron...
That wouldn't be such a bad thing now would it?
This morning I woke up to the girls fighting over a shirt. How in the hell they managed to get out of bed before me, I'll never know, but anyway, they were fighting over a shirt.
The older daughter was trying to convince me that my youngest daughter was wearing her shirt.
I wasn't buying it.
The reason?
Well....let's just say that the shirt fit my youngest daughter perfectly. She is built like this....
My older daughter, two years older is built like this...
So needless to say, I wasn't convinced it was her shirt. All I could think about was trying to put two bowling balls into a sock and it not being humanly possible.
I'm sure I'm not alone when I tell you this fighting over clothes thing is a daily occurrence. My daughters think they have nothing to wear. I hear about it every day. It's HORRIBLE! I attempt to explain what it could be like for them but they won't listen. I even showed them a few things I was forced to wear as a teen, but they weren't very sympathetic.
How many of us remember wearing this cute little get up that itched like a bitch?
Can you say POLYESTER IS FROM THE DEVIL? The mere thought of polyester almost sends me into fits of hysterics! It makes me want to attach a disco ball to the top of my car and pull people over so I can RIP the polyester off their bodies!!!
Thank god that era has passed and we are all safely enmeshed in the softness of cotton.
I love those commercials too...just thought I'd throw that in there...
Well I guess I need to get busy doing something productive. I do feel better today and NO SCOTT! I DID NOT HAVE A HANG OVER YESTERDAY!!!
The last time I had a hang over was several years ago. We were in Maine visiting my family and sitting by the lake. I began drinking margaritas and eating grilled chicken around noon and by seven in the evening, I'd puked up every bit of chicken in my gut and had a massive hang over. I felt great the next day though. I even made jokes about the bears finding my puked up chicken and saying that they thought tequila chicken was only available at Applebees....See? I'm a good sport even when I'm hung over...
In fact I think I may have a picture of me taken that very I is with my cousin Bonnie, who is also suffering the ill effects of drinking..
Ain't we beautiful? HAHAHAHA!!!
With that said, THIS IS MY MOOD TODAY!!!!
The crazy fantasies I have, huh? I won't lie...I'll probably get little accomplished and spend most of my day daydreaming of a clean house that will stay clean...
I'm such a dreamer!!!
Last night I remembered about today being Tuesday and I even made an emergency run to Krogers to make sure I had the fixings for dinner tonight.
I'm learning, but occasionally I forget and end up being eyed by some old white lady who hates me and wants to run over me with her shopping cart or huge car.'s a good thing.
So now that I'm stuck in the house all day, I'm doing fun FUN stuff, like cleaning and picking up EVERYONE ELSE"S SHIT!!!!
I'm telling family hasn't got a clue when it comes to taking care of themselves. If it weren't for me running around behind them, wiping their asses, they'd fall into helpless heaps of flesh, whining incessantly and demanding things.
I'm NOT exaggerating either...
I've tried to explain how it makes me feel. You know...share my feelings with my no avail.
He just doesn't I should have explained things when I was a tad bit calmer?
Don't get me wrong. I love my family. But I'm sure that somehow I'm responsible for the monster I've created because by shit, that's what people will tell you if you complain to them.
Have you ever noticed that?
When you complain about something, it always seems to end up being all your fault, like you are in control of the entire universe and everything in it. I disagree with that. You can tell people things and you can allow them to suffer the consequences if they don't do what they're supposed to, but they won't always learn from it, you know.
Come on now!!! If I was in control of the entire universe and everything in it I'd be making few changes....
For one thing,we would all be nudists because I hate to wash clothes and iron...
That wouldn't be such a bad thing now would it?
This morning I woke up to the girls fighting over a shirt. How in the hell they managed to get out of bed before me, I'll never know, but anyway, they were fighting over a shirt.
The older daughter was trying to convince me that my youngest daughter was wearing her shirt.
I wasn't buying it.
The reason?
Well....let's just say that the shirt fit my youngest daughter perfectly. She is built like this....
My older daughter, two years older is built like this...
So needless to say, I wasn't convinced it was her shirt. All I could think about was trying to put two bowling balls into a sock and it not being humanly possible.
I'm sure I'm not alone when I tell you this fighting over clothes thing is a daily occurrence. My daughters think they have nothing to wear. I hear about it every day. It's HORRIBLE! I attempt to explain what it could be like for them but they won't listen. I even showed them a few things I was forced to wear as a teen, but they weren't very sympathetic.
How many of us remember wearing this cute little get up that itched like a bitch?
Can you say POLYESTER IS FROM THE DEVIL? The mere thought of polyester almost sends me into fits of hysterics! It makes me want to attach a disco ball to the top of my car and pull people over so I can RIP the polyester off their bodies!!!
Thank god that era has passed and we are all safely enmeshed in the softness of cotton.
I love those commercials too...just thought I'd throw that in there...
Well I guess I need to get busy doing something productive. I do feel better today and NO SCOTT! I DID NOT HAVE A HANG OVER YESTERDAY!!!
The last time I had a hang over was several years ago. We were in Maine visiting my family and sitting by the lake. I began drinking margaritas and eating grilled chicken around noon and by seven in the evening, I'd puked up every bit of chicken in my gut and had a massive hang over. I felt great the next day though. I even made jokes about the bears finding my puked up chicken and saying that they thought tequila chicken was only available at Applebees....See? I'm a good sport even when I'm hung over...
In fact I think I may have a picture of me taken that very I is with my cousin Bonnie, who is also suffering the ill effects of drinking..
Ain't we beautiful? HAHAHAHA!!!
With that said, THIS IS MY MOOD TODAY!!!!
The crazy fantasies I have, huh? I won't lie...I'll probably get little accomplished and spend most of my day daydreaming of a clean house that will stay clean...
I'm such a dreamer!!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Just so you know I'm sick today.
I felt dizzy (for real) yesterday and I still feel like shit today.
The symptoms are as follows...
An alien has been planted in my head while I was sleeping and it's trying to come out through my right eye. As I walk through my house, it feels like I just stepped off a merry-go-round and I've bumped into all of the furniture and walls at least three times.
I also feel like I'm wearing a huge suit, covering my body, filled with insulation and might kind of look like this...
Let's just say that I feel heavy and hot, dizzy and painful.
It's probably a sinus infection so I'll have to go to my doctor. When I go in we will play the same game we always do.I try to convince him that if he'd just give me a hysterectomy, I'd never get sick again.
He never buys into it, damn him!!!
SO....this was short and sweet but at least you know I'm alive...
Oh yeah, about the women and men being friends thing...well...I don't know if he thinks about me in "that" way or not, but I do NOT think about him that way. He's nine years younger than me. I doubt he's thinking of me that way. But anyway, thanks for all the comments. It always helps to get someone else's experience with things.
And with that said, THIS is my mood for today...
I suppose it could be worse...I could have the Hershey squirts...
I felt dizzy (for real) yesterday and I still feel like shit today.
The symptoms are as follows...
An alien has been planted in my head while I was sleeping and it's trying to come out through my right eye. As I walk through my house, it feels like I just stepped off a merry-go-round and I've bumped into all of the furniture and walls at least three times.
I also feel like I'm wearing a huge suit, covering my body, filled with insulation and might kind of look like this...
Let's just say that I feel heavy and hot, dizzy and painful.
It's probably a sinus infection so I'll have to go to my doctor. When I go in we will play the same game we always do.I try to convince him that if he'd just give me a hysterectomy, I'd never get sick again.
He never buys into it, damn him!!!
SO....this was short and sweet but at least you know I'm alive...
Oh yeah, about the women and men being friends thing...well...I don't know if he thinks about me in "that" way or not, but I do NOT think about him that way. He's nine years younger than me. I doubt he's thinking of me that way. But anyway, thanks for all the comments. It always helps to get someone else's experience with things.
And with that said, THIS is my mood for today...
I suppose it could be worse...I could have the Hershey squirts...
Saturday, October 20, 2007
I'm not a slut...
Some people have issues with men and women being friends. They automatically assume that there is more going on than there actually is.
I'm the kind of person who makes friends where ever I go. I'm not a wall flower by any means. And while I'm very open about my sexuality and joke around a lot, I'm a faithful and loving wife.
I don't entertain the thought of sleeping around with every Tom, Dick and Harry.
That just ain't my style....
So anyway, this is my complaint.
There are people talking and implying that I'm involved with a good friend of mine. We do talk on the phone every day, sometimes several times a day, but we are friends.Very good friends. We just connected and can talk about everything with eachother. Either he was meant to be a woman or I was meant to be a man because we really do get along great.
I'm also very good friends with his wife and he gets along with my husband. Believe me...It's all very innocent.
BUT of course because people see us together a lot and we're always on the phone,some people will assume the worst and start rumors.
Networking my ass!!!
I guess there are several reasons I decided to write this post. One of them is to get your opinion about a man and woman having a close friendship.
Do you think it's possible for a man and woman to be close friends without anything happening that's inappropriate?
The second reason is to vent about the nosy busy-body bitches that have nothing better to do than to wag their tongues all over town about everyone. There women wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the ass.
I would hate to see my friendship destroyed because of people's ignorance. My friend's wife has assured me that we will all deal with it and it won't change our friendships, but it still annoys me that we should be faced with this at all.
So....what do you think about the whole thing?
I am baffled by it all.
And with that said...this is my mood for the day...
I'll be back soon...
I'm the kind of person who makes friends where ever I go. I'm not a wall flower by any means. And while I'm very open about my sexuality and joke around a lot, I'm a faithful and loving wife.
I don't entertain the thought of sleeping around with every Tom, Dick and Harry.
That just ain't my style....
So anyway, this is my complaint.
There are people talking and implying that I'm involved with a good friend of mine. We do talk on the phone every day, sometimes several times a day, but we are friends.Very good friends. We just connected and can talk about everything with eachother. Either he was meant to be a woman or I was meant to be a man because we really do get along great.
I'm also very good friends with his wife and he gets along with my husband. Believe me...It's all very innocent.
BUT of course because people see us together a lot and we're always on the phone,some people will assume the worst and start rumors.
Networking my ass!!!
I guess there are several reasons I decided to write this post. One of them is to get your opinion about a man and woman having a close friendship.
Do you think it's possible for a man and woman to be close friends without anything happening that's inappropriate?
The second reason is to vent about the nosy busy-body bitches that have nothing better to do than to wag their tongues all over town about everyone. There women wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the ass.
I would hate to see my friendship destroyed because of people's ignorance. My friend's wife has assured me that we will all deal with it and it won't change our friendships, but it still annoys me that we should be faced with this at all.
So....what do you think about the whole thing?
I am baffled by it all.
And with that said...this is my mood for the day...
I'll be back soon...
Friday, October 19, 2007
6th grade is NOT PRISON!!! or is it?
You know how kids will exaggerate sometimes. They will come home and tell you the craziest stories about teachers and how evil they are. I have listened to a few whoppers in my time but occasionally there is some truth to the whole thing.
My son got two days of detention for coughing in school.
I couldn't understand why he would get detention for coughing so I asked him if he'd been obnoxious about it or had been goofy with it, etc...
He assured me that, no, he was just coughing. And let me tell you, he's been coughing all week and staying up half the night with it.)
So I asked him to tell me EXACTLY what happened and he did....
That's when he told me that his entire sixth grade class was on lock-down (which is now called 'zoning' because lock-down is a prison term isn't it?)
He said they were all in lunch and he began to cough. He placed his mouth inside his shirt and covered it with his hand (to keep from coughing on anyone who was eating) and then a group of boys began to cough along with him. They smiled at him and he smiled back but then began to cough again.
Yes...he did smile, but hell...he'd been coughing in class all week. Surely to God a woman with a college degree would be able to remember that.
But no...he was given two days of detention and the real kicker is one else got detention.
What about all those other boys who started to cough ON FUCKING PURPOSE to be little smart asses???
So...I kept my son home from school this morning to give him several doses of cough syrup before bringing him to school. I would hate for him to get more detention because he was coughing.
Apparently the coughing was an issue because when they are on lock-down, they are not allowed to speak or make noise of any kind from 8:30 in the morning until 3:40 in the afternoon.
Should I invest in a striped prison suit for my son?
Furthermore, the students are required to remain in their home base classrooms ALL DAY and given homework in all classes,(without instruction from the other teachers), that is graded and counts toward their final grades.
They normally change classes. But on lock-down days they are not allowed to move.
I have an issue with that. Especially because they were on lock-down because there was too much talking and laughing from the students the day before.
Ummmm....too much talking....
If they are stuck in one classroom all day what are they supposed to do if they don't know how to do their english homework and their home base teacher is their science teacher?
I called the Board of Education this morning to inquire about these lock-down methods. I'm curious to see what they will say about it. And in fact, if I do not receive a call back from them before ten o'clock, I will call the superintendent's office.
I understand the need for discipline, but it seems to me that this type of hard ass discipline does nothing but fester a hatred for school and for the teachers.
I don't see anything positive coming out of this.
Now if there were issues of bullying and fighting, or drug use and swearing at teachers and abuse, and it was widespread though out the classes, I could see a lock-down method being used as a way of closely monitoring the students.
But for talking and laughing too much?
What form of discipline would they use for more extreme offenses?
It makes no sense to me.
Don't get me wrong. I have a great deal of respect for teachers. I have worked in the schools for years and volunteered my time to help teachers.
They are underpaid, overworked and held responsible for everything from a child's failing grade to a child losing something valuable. The crap that teachers have to put up with, is incredible.
So this post is not a teacher bashing.
Of course because I have worked so closely with teachers, I have seen that it is possible to discipline students without using bullying, intimidation and humiliation.
Yet,I have witnessed all three of these tactics being used by certain teachers.
One of the teachers in question is the same teacher in charge of this lock-down.
Perhaps she believes she is doing the kids a favor by keeping them in line or it is the only method of discipline she knows?
Regardless...the principal and vice-principal allow it.
I think it's detrimental to the students, who are still kids after all, and I think that individuals should be dealt with on an individual basis.
So...will I go down to the school today and raise hell about my son's detention?
I don't agree with it but because he admitted to smiling after the other boys began to cough, I have no solid argument. I can actually understand why the teacher would think that my son was coughing to mock her.
What I will do, is bring my son down there to take his lumps, so to speak, and explain to him that by smiling, it appeared to the teacher that he was doing it on purpose to mock her and undermine her authority.
I think I've vented enough for now. I'm curious to see if anyone will call me back from the Board of Education and explain the lock-down method of discipline. Past experience tells me that if someone doesn't want to deal with it, I'll end up getting an answer in a week or two,(if I'm persistent).
I won't be a bitch about it either. I try not to conduct myself like that when I have a complaint. I mean, differences of opinion are common in this life. We need to try to deal with them in a graceful manner. It would do nothing for my self-respect if I behaved like an ass just because I was pissed.
And with all of my ranting complete...THIS is my mood for the day...
It's pretty accurate except my boobies are bigger and my hair is blonde...The axe is a great little touch for my overall mood though, don't you think?
My son got two days of detention for coughing in school.
I couldn't understand why he would get detention for coughing so I asked him if he'd been obnoxious about it or had been goofy with it, etc...
He assured me that, no, he was just coughing. And let me tell you, he's been coughing all week and staying up half the night with it.)
So I asked him to tell me EXACTLY what happened and he did....
That's when he told me that his entire sixth grade class was on lock-down (which is now called 'zoning' because lock-down is a prison term isn't it?)
He said they were all in lunch and he began to cough. He placed his mouth inside his shirt and covered it with his hand (to keep from coughing on anyone who was eating) and then a group of boys began to cough along with him. They smiled at him and he smiled back but then began to cough again.
Yes...he did smile, but hell...he'd been coughing in class all week. Surely to God a woman with a college degree would be able to remember that.
But no...he was given two days of detention and the real kicker is one else got detention.
What about all those other boys who started to cough ON FUCKING PURPOSE to be little smart asses???
So...I kept my son home from school this morning to give him several doses of cough syrup before bringing him to school. I would hate for him to get more detention because he was coughing.
Apparently the coughing was an issue because when they are on lock-down, they are not allowed to speak or make noise of any kind from 8:30 in the morning until 3:40 in the afternoon.
Should I invest in a striped prison suit for my son?
Furthermore, the students are required to remain in their home base classrooms ALL DAY and given homework in all classes,(without instruction from the other teachers), that is graded and counts toward their final grades.
They normally change classes. But on lock-down days they are not allowed to move.
I have an issue with that. Especially because they were on lock-down because there was too much talking and laughing from the students the day before.
Ummmm....too much talking....
If they are stuck in one classroom all day what are they supposed to do if they don't know how to do their english homework and their home base teacher is their science teacher?
I called the Board of Education this morning to inquire about these lock-down methods. I'm curious to see what they will say about it. And in fact, if I do not receive a call back from them before ten o'clock, I will call the superintendent's office.
I understand the need for discipline, but it seems to me that this type of hard ass discipline does nothing but fester a hatred for school and for the teachers.
I don't see anything positive coming out of this.
Now if there were issues of bullying and fighting, or drug use and swearing at teachers and abuse, and it was widespread though out the classes, I could see a lock-down method being used as a way of closely monitoring the students.
But for talking and laughing too much?
What form of discipline would they use for more extreme offenses?
It makes no sense to me.
Don't get me wrong. I have a great deal of respect for teachers. I have worked in the schools for years and volunteered my time to help teachers.
They are underpaid, overworked and held responsible for everything from a child's failing grade to a child losing something valuable. The crap that teachers have to put up with, is incredible.
So this post is not a teacher bashing.
Of course because I have worked so closely with teachers, I have seen that it is possible to discipline students without using bullying, intimidation and humiliation.
Yet,I have witnessed all three of these tactics being used by certain teachers.
One of the teachers in question is the same teacher in charge of this lock-down.
Perhaps she believes she is doing the kids a favor by keeping them in line or it is the only method of discipline she knows?
Regardless...the principal and vice-principal allow it.
I think it's detrimental to the students, who are still kids after all, and I think that individuals should be dealt with on an individual basis.
So...will I go down to the school today and raise hell about my son's detention?
I don't agree with it but because he admitted to smiling after the other boys began to cough, I have no solid argument. I can actually understand why the teacher would think that my son was coughing to mock her.
What I will do, is bring my son down there to take his lumps, so to speak, and explain to him that by smiling, it appeared to the teacher that he was doing it on purpose to mock her and undermine her authority.
I think I've vented enough for now. I'm curious to see if anyone will call me back from the Board of Education and explain the lock-down method of discipline. Past experience tells me that if someone doesn't want to deal with it, I'll end up getting an answer in a week or two,(if I'm persistent).
I won't be a bitch about it either. I try not to conduct myself like that when I have a complaint. I mean, differences of opinion are common in this life. We need to try to deal with them in a graceful manner. It would do nothing for my self-respect if I behaved like an ass just because I was pissed.
And with all of my ranting complete...THIS is my mood for the day...
It's pretty accurate except my boobies are bigger and my hair is blonde...The axe is a great little touch for my overall mood though, don't you think?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
My giant helmet....
I received my helmet in the mail yesterday. It's supposed to be a fierce viking helmet, (minus the horns on account of my husband thinking too much alcohol might cause me to gore someone with them)...BUT yeah...I got it. It's great. Made out of real metal too and copper I think.It looks fantastic and very realistic.
THIS is what it looks like...
There are just a few teensy weensy problems with it.
It's heavy...LORD is it HEAVY!!! I placed it on my head and felt like I was balancing a Volvo on my head. I'm telling you right now...if I wear the damn thing for any length of time, it's going to make my neck THOR and my back THOR. Hell, I'll be very THOR all over!!!
Heh..Heh...sorry but I couldn't resist that little pun on words....
There is another problem with the entire thing. It's too big. Apparently I'm supposed to put a padding in it, but didn't real viking warriors wear their helmets without padding? I thought they were tough damn it!!!
Anyway, it's too big and I'll end up looking more like Dumb Donald than a ferocious viking if I don't fix it....
I plan to get started sewing my fur boots today. I'm not sure if I should go knee high or higher. It might get cold and I certainly don't want to get cold. I suppose I will just have to consider the options available for me and figure it out from there. Regardless of what I do, there will be pictures and of that I'm sure you are glad...
My mood for today is this....
I suppose you could say that I'm in a conservative beast figure it out.
Until tomorrow...RAWR!!!
THIS is what it looks like...
There are just a few teensy weensy problems with it.
It's heavy...LORD is it HEAVY!!! I placed it on my head and felt like I was balancing a Volvo on my head. I'm telling you right now...if I wear the damn thing for any length of time, it's going to make my neck THOR and my back THOR. Hell, I'll be very THOR all over!!!
Heh..Heh...sorry but I couldn't resist that little pun on words....
There is another problem with the entire thing. It's too big. Apparently I'm supposed to put a padding in it, but didn't real viking warriors wear their helmets without padding? I thought they were tough damn it!!!
Anyway, it's too big and I'll end up looking more like Dumb Donald than a ferocious viking if I don't fix it....
I plan to get started sewing my fur boots today. I'm not sure if I should go knee high or higher. It might get cold and I certainly don't want to get cold. I suppose I will just have to consider the options available for me and figure it out from there. Regardless of what I do, there will be pictures and of that I'm sure you are glad...
My mood for today is this....
I suppose you could say that I'm in a conservative beast figure it out.
Until tomorrow...RAWR!!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Hey! What happened to my picture???
I had to find a new picture of George to put up. Seems as though the other one was removed.
Guess I did a bad, bad thing...
It's alright though. I know how to take my spankings...In fact I rather enjoy it on occasion.
Anyway...I fixed it. Let's see how long this one remains on here, shall we?
Guess I did a bad, bad thing...
It's alright though. I know how to take my spankings...In fact I rather enjoy it on occasion.
Anyway...I fixed it. Let's see how long this one remains on here, shall we?
Walk the walk...and shock the shock...
Yesterday was a tough day for me. I can't say that today is any better, but at least I FEEL better.
I spent most of the day wallowing. Wallowing in self pity. Wallowing in cookies and milk. And wallowing in my pants. But of course that's personal and I don't plan to share that part of my day with anyone.
Er...where was I?
Oh yeah...wallowing.
Around three o clock I finally decided to stop being an idiot and do something about my misery. I got dressed and grabbed my IPod and walked. I walked and walked and walked. I went as fast as my legs could take me and swung my arms like hammers. I blared music on my IPod. Everything from Norah Jones to ACDC. I'm sure if anyone I knew would have seen me, they probably would have run in the opposite direction. I wasn't happy about anything and I had a mission to complete. It was all business.
I was going to walk until I felt that misery drain right out of my body. Either that or I would drop in an exhausted heap and wait for someone to call an ambulance.'s a form of therapy. I tend to get carried away too. Sometimes I spend over an hour just stomping through town, trying to rid myself of the demons who are hell bent on destroying my happiness. When I get in these moods I always try to remember to write my name and address and my hubby's cell phone number on my ass in marker.
"On your ass?" you ask.
And apparently I'm not the only one who thinks like that...
It's a good location for that kind of information and after all, who is going to see my ass besides me and my old man anyway? And my neighbors...and my friends...and people who piss me off...well...ok. BUT the important thing is that the paramedics will see it of course because we all KNOW they're going to take your shirt and pants off immediately just because they can and then they will know who to contact in case of an emergency.
This morning I walked again. It felt great too. Very good therapy. I walked with a friend so I got caught up on the local gossip. Apparently there is a lot of stuff happening in town I don't know about. I always learn something new when we walk together. My friend is a wealth of information, mainly because she grew up here and knows everyone. I learned a lot of things I feel I should know. And as luck would have it, we needed to make a pit stop at McDonald's this morning too. Half way through our walk, I HAD to pee. No amount of Kegals would have prevented me from pissing down both legs after drinking a pot of coffee and walking two miles. It was an urgent matter needing immediate attention.
So we trotted off toward McDonald's at break neck speed and I got there just in time.
As luck would have it, The Dead Pecker Society, as my husband calls it, was conducting their own little gossip fest in the lobby. Man...the THINGS you can learn about the town you live in. Wow! Of course I have no idea how much of it is actually true, so I won't repeat any of it, but it's interesting enough all the same.
I'm not much of a gossip. I prefer to grab my bone and take it out in the back yard to bury it. Others like to run in circles, letting everyone KNOW ABOUT THEIR BONE before burying it in their back yard.
The Jesus Police are really good about doing that. Getting a juicy bone and walking cockily through their yard, holding it in their mouth like it's a dog turd and it's distasteful. ( but not letting go of it, that's for damn sure). THEN...only after EVERYONE has seen it, they bury it.
Getting a mental picture of that one?
I make it easy on them. I tell on myself and give them plenty of ammunition. Why not? I know I'm not going to hell and if they're talking about me, then they're leaving someone else alone.
And don't get me wrong. I'm not bashing Christians. I'm bashing the people who think they're perfect because they go to church and feel that they have the right to judge everyone. They are the "do as I say, not as I do" people.
So...THAT probably just pissed someone off and with the damage done, I think my work here for the day is finished...
But only for today...KISSES!!!
I spent most of the day wallowing. Wallowing in self pity. Wallowing in cookies and milk. And wallowing in my pants. But of course that's personal and I don't plan to share that part of my day with anyone.
Er...where was I?
Oh yeah...wallowing.
Around three o clock I finally decided to stop being an idiot and do something about my misery. I got dressed and grabbed my IPod and walked. I walked and walked and walked. I went as fast as my legs could take me and swung my arms like hammers. I blared music on my IPod. Everything from Norah Jones to ACDC. I'm sure if anyone I knew would have seen me, they probably would have run in the opposite direction. I wasn't happy about anything and I had a mission to complete. It was all business.
I was going to walk until I felt that misery drain right out of my body. Either that or I would drop in an exhausted heap and wait for someone to call an ambulance.'s a form of therapy. I tend to get carried away too. Sometimes I spend over an hour just stomping through town, trying to rid myself of the demons who are hell bent on destroying my happiness. When I get in these moods I always try to remember to write my name and address and my hubby's cell phone number on my ass in marker.
"On your ass?" you ask.
And apparently I'm not the only one who thinks like that...
It's a good location for that kind of information and after all, who is going to see my ass besides me and my old man anyway? And my neighbors...and my friends...and people who piss me off...well...ok. BUT the important thing is that the paramedics will see it of course because we all KNOW they're going to take your shirt and pants off immediately just because they can and then they will know who to contact in case of an emergency.
This morning I walked again. It felt great too. Very good therapy. I walked with a friend so I got caught up on the local gossip. Apparently there is a lot of stuff happening in town I don't know about. I always learn something new when we walk together. My friend is a wealth of information, mainly because she grew up here and knows everyone. I learned a lot of things I feel I should know. And as luck would have it, we needed to make a pit stop at McDonald's this morning too. Half way through our walk, I HAD to pee. No amount of Kegals would have prevented me from pissing down both legs after drinking a pot of coffee and walking two miles. It was an urgent matter needing immediate attention.
So we trotted off toward McDonald's at break neck speed and I got there just in time.
As luck would have it, The Dead Pecker Society, as my husband calls it, was conducting their own little gossip fest in the lobby. Man...the THINGS you can learn about the town you live in. Wow! Of course I have no idea how much of it is actually true, so I won't repeat any of it, but it's interesting enough all the same.
I'm not much of a gossip. I prefer to grab my bone and take it out in the back yard to bury it. Others like to run in circles, letting everyone KNOW ABOUT THEIR BONE before burying it in their back yard.
The Jesus Police are really good about doing that. Getting a juicy bone and walking cockily through their yard, holding it in their mouth like it's a dog turd and it's distasteful. ( but not letting go of it, that's for damn sure). THEN...only after EVERYONE has seen it, they bury it.
Getting a mental picture of that one?
I make it easy on them. I tell on myself and give them plenty of ammunition. Why not? I know I'm not going to hell and if they're talking about me, then they're leaving someone else alone.
And don't get me wrong. I'm not bashing Christians. I'm bashing the people who think they're perfect because they go to church and feel that they have the right to judge everyone. They are the "do as I say, not as I do" people.
So...THAT probably just pissed someone off and with the damage done, I think my work here for the day is finished...
But only for today...KISSES!!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
And the true meaning of life is....honesty
I struggled all morning with something to write about. Then I realized that I was falling into the trap of trying to please other people with my blog.
Not good....not good at all.
So I'm just going to write about what I'm feeling today.
And the mood for today is this...
I'm lonely.
I ache from feeling lonely today.
Sometimes when you're in the middle of the world with tons of friends and family, that's when you can feel the loneliest. As fast as things move, the people around you swirl like a tornado and you're stuck in the eye of the the quiet...all alone.
I don't know how it happens exactly but it does. And I know I'm not the only one who suffers from it.
We all have those days.
Sometimes I feel like an extension of everyone else. I struggle to reclaim my identity because I get so lost in others needs.
It just seems like everyone and everything else becomes more important and I end up trying to hold it all together...
And the hell of it is...everything thinks I'm holding it all together...
Umm....the reality is this....
I'm struggling...just like everyone else.
So sometimes it would be nice to be able to wrap someone else's arms around me and let somebody else be the strong one for a change.
I'm just lonely.
Here's hoping tomorrow will bring some comfort...
Not good....not good at all.
So I'm just going to write about what I'm feeling today.
And the mood for today is this...
I'm lonely.
I ache from feeling lonely today.
Sometimes when you're in the middle of the world with tons of friends and family, that's when you can feel the loneliest. As fast as things move, the people around you swirl like a tornado and you're stuck in the eye of the the quiet...all alone.
I don't know how it happens exactly but it does. And I know I'm not the only one who suffers from it.
We all have those days.
Sometimes I feel like an extension of everyone else. I struggle to reclaim my identity because I get so lost in others needs.
It just seems like everyone and everything else becomes more important and I end up trying to hold it all together...
And the hell of it is...everything thinks I'm holding it all together...
Umm....the reality is this....
I'm struggling...just like everyone else.
So sometimes it would be nice to be able to wrap someone else's arms around me and let somebody else be the strong one for a change.
I'm just lonely.
Here's hoping tomorrow will bring some comfort...
Monday, October 15, 2007
I've been tagged...
Rosemary tagged me. I'm not really sure what it involves but I think I'm supposed to pick three of my best blogs to put up in this list.
Anything that involves a list is scary to me, but I'm going to attempt it anyway.
Oh yeah...I don't think I have any blog entries I would consider "best" but I'll pick three that will really give you a taste for who I am and the madness that is my world...
Here are a few of the people who have done it previously...
Speedcat Hollydale Page-Rocket Boy in Hawaii - DC9,Speedcat’s Death Ride into Terror!, The Boy Inside All Men
Terri Terri Quite Contrary-Just How Immature Are We?,Finding a Voice,So Much More to See than the Game
Mahala,Uncle Huberts Custom Cows,Pray for the Child at Big Lots
,The Legend of Saushie's Crotch
Tiff-How am I like Ron Weasley,A social experiment,Absolutely Boring Entry 101
, Horror Story, Die, Frau, Die
EvilTwin'sWife-The Humanity,Ants Like Grilled Cheese,I HAte Fruit Flies
And here are my three choices. This gives you a small idea of the person I am. Please don't allow it to frighten you. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride....
Tammie(Huh?)- Smelly man hair..., I love to be naked..., Boobs...boobs...who has the boobs?
So who do I tag? I could tell Scott to do it. And Dr.Syn...hmm....
Yeah...they can do it and anyone else who reads this and wants to. Sometimes it's good when you do this self-therapy blogging to go back and re-read what you're writing to make sure it's helping.
I think mine is helping me to be more....more....more something. I'm just not sure what yet...LOL
I survived the cat baths. I survived and there are scratches but this is a family blog and we won't be viewing any of those kinds of pictures on here.
My mood for today...
Hey...Halloween is on it's way. Why not play a little dress-up?
I'll be back tomorrow...kiss kiss
Anything that involves a list is scary to me, but I'm going to attempt it anyway.
Oh yeah...I don't think I have any blog entries I would consider "best" but I'll pick three that will really give you a taste for who I am and the madness that is my world...
Here are a few of the people who have done it previously...
Speedcat Hollydale Page-Rocket Boy in Hawaii - DC9,Speedcat’s Death Ride into Terror!, The Boy Inside All Men
Terri Terri Quite Contrary-Just How Immature Are We?,Finding a Voice,So Much More to See than the Game
Mahala,Uncle Huberts Custom Cows,Pray for the Child at Big Lots
,The Legend of Saushie's Crotch
Tiff-How am I like Ron Weasley,A social experiment,Absolutely Boring Entry 101
, Horror Story, Die, Frau, Die
EvilTwin'sWife-The Humanity,Ants Like Grilled Cheese,I HAte Fruit Flies
And here are my three choices. This gives you a small idea of the person I am. Please don't allow it to frighten you. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride....
Tammie(Huh?)- Smelly man hair..., I love to be naked..., Boobs...boobs...who has the boobs?
So who do I tag? I could tell Scott to do it. And Dr.Syn...hmm....
Yeah...they can do it and anyone else who reads this and wants to. Sometimes it's good when you do this self-therapy blogging to go back and re-read what you're writing to make sure it's helping.
I think mine is helping me to be more....more....more something. I'm just not sure what yet...LOL
I survived the cat baths. I survived and there are scratches but this is a family blog and we won't be viewing any of those kinds of pictures on here.
My mood for today...
Hey...Halloween is on it's way. Why not play a little dress-up?
I'll be back tomorrow...kiss kiss
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