Yes...I shaved most of my eyebrow off again.
The right side is almost completely gone.

"I don't know why these things keep happening to you Blonde Goddess, but don't I look pretty?"
And no...I was not intoxicated when I was trimming my eyebrows. In fact I was stone sober AND I was fully awake.I had no vibrating devices in my pants to distract me (like the last time this happened) AND the area was well lit.
I just put the wrong attachment on.
The short side instead of the long side.
Then ZIP...I was one eyebrow short.

"Well into her eighties, the Blonde Goddess still regretted the day forty years earlier when she accidentally shaved off her eyebrow."
So this was the look I sported when going out to sell for my former boss the other day.
And as if that wasn't bad enough, I totally walked into one place with half my chest exposed without realizing it.

"The special sales tactic that spells success!"
The good ole boy at the counter gave me the once over but that's normal. Unless some guy is gay or blind, he's going to look so I didn't think about it.
Then he spoke...
Good ole boy #1: What can I do for you today missy?
Me: Would Jay be available?
Good ole boy #1: Nope! He's left for the day. I reckon he'll be back tomorrah though.
Me: Well would it be possible to see someone else in the shipping department?
Good ole boy #1: I'll take a look-see for ya.
Good ole boy #2 appears and gives me the once over.
Good ole boy #2: I can't really help ya out darlin, but you can come back tommorah.
Me: Ok. Thank you for your time. I'll be back tomorrow. Is there a time you'd prefer for me to come back?
Good ole boy #2: Nope! Come on back anytime. You can even wear that shirt again, if you want. You sure are puttin a strain on that button though, aren't ya?
Me: (Looking down and finally noticing that my boobs are hanging out of my shirt.) Thank you. I'll be back tomorrow. (Smiling, I button my shirt and then walk out, TRYING to muster a little dignity.)
WHAT I REALLY wanted to do was jump up on the counter and yell at them good ole boys, "WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU FUCKSTICKS? HAVEN'T YOU EVER SEEN TITTIES BEFORE?"

"The only titties we ever seed wuz our mama's and the sow hog Lulu's."
Of course that would have probably ruined my chance of a sale, so I'm glad I controlled myself.
Zoloft is a miracle drug.
So today, I get to visit the good ole boys again and perhaps expose my breasts to them once more.
Eh...fuck it.
I'm wearing a top without buttons in the front.
They already got a show goddamnit.
That's it for now. I need to shower and get dressed.
Does anyone else have any embarrassing experiences to share like that?
I'd like to know.
I mean, I can't be the only one eyebrowed, half dressed woman in the world, right?
Who knows?
Maybe Mr.Man will bring me home a present tonight.

Were you tempted to shave the other eyebrow to match? That is the debate I would have been struggling with, to match or leave as is.
ReplyDeleteI think the rest of the world, outside of your hometown, deserves an occasional flashing as well, no? I promise to respect you even more than I do now. ;-)
No really embarrasing stories other than walking thru the city I once lived in with my fly wide open.
Emabarrassing moments? Hell! I'm a walking disaster. Just roll with it, baby!
ReplyDeleteWouldn't a top without buttons give them even more of a show? Or is that how you're going to seal the deal? All this sales stuff is so over my head. I'm glad you know how to work the system, BG.
ReplyDeleteI exposed my bare ass to a whole bar once without know it. That is until the bouncer came up and asked me to leave.
ReplyDeletewrangling my boobs is a full time job.
ReplyDeleteNot really embarassing, but a girlfriend and I drunkenly and purposefully walked around downtown Nashville with our skirts hiked up around our waists. That lasted long enough for us to get some catcalls and our men folk almost getting in a fight. Good times!
ReplyDeleteAll of life is an embarassing moment.
ReplyDeleteso how long does it take for an eyebrow to grow back?
ReplyDeleteGo to your local nail salon, usually owned by South Koreans, get your eye brows waxed picture perfect in 2 minutes for 5 much easier.
ReplyDeleteThey will also take care of that top lip and chin. Don't deny it, we all have it after kids.
Meanwhile, there is always an eyebrow pencil I suppose, but damn those look scary.
Embarrassing moment? It starts from the moment I wake up till I fall asleep.
No, but I'm constantly embarrassing my wife.
ReplyDeleteUsually, I'm just standing next to her.
I've waxed off one of my eyebrows before trying to 'even them up'.
ReplyDeleteI could walk into a place with my boobs hanging out and I am as flat as a 10 year old boy. :(
Wow, you do live in Deliverance
ReplyDeleteI just looked down and realized that I need a new bra. I appear to be topping my tit-sling again. Damnit.
ReplyDeleteOh - yeah, my youngest removed most of one of her eyebrows last fall (we still don't know exactly what she was doing to "remove" it). In a desperate attempt to fix it, she snipped hair from her head and superglued it to her naked eyebrow spot. And the bathroom counter. And her fingers.....
I guess that's not a solution.
i once completed a job interview with "it" out. i didn't get the job....
ReplyDeleteNo, I've never ever ever had any embarrassing moments. Never.