I dreamed I was falling...you know...those horrible dreams where you fall to your death and all that jazz. Except in this dream, I wasn't falling to my death. I fell into the ocean from the sky and sank deep into the depths of the ocean.
It was cold and dark and I felt my lungs getting ready to burst. But no matter how hard I tried to swim to the surface it was still too far away for me to reach it. I felt my brain swelling in my head and my body shaking and then suddenly the ocean turned into people.
It literally became an ocean of people.
I took a deep breath and then they all started talking to me, telling me what they wanted from me, what THEY needed from me...
I felt like I was suffocating.
My lungs were burning and I felt like I was being crushed.
I was trying to swim my way out of this ocean of people who wanted me to DO something for all of them and I couldn't get away...
Then I woke up.
Needless to say, it was a sucky dream and furthermore, my chest hurt all day long.
In other news....I am still here, although not often. I get on the computer only once or twice a week lately. I've promised myself that I'm going to try to make more time to get on here. I KNOW I could get a good laugh or dose of wisdom if I'd get on here and read again. But honestly most of my days lately consist of getting up, working, coming home, fixing food, cleaning and then drinking. Yep. It's becoming an every night thing for me. Sure helps me sleep too.
I highly doubt that you'll discover me in an alley somewhere, dressed in several layers of clothing, clinging to a shopping cart, but I'm dealing with things in the best way I know how to.
This too shall pass...I just wish I'd feel normal again.
Normal is so overrated.
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly is normal anyway?
Don't become normal!! Then you wouldn't be one of us!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteI hope you get back to feeling like yourself soon. {{HUGS}}
So you won't be sending me any money if I ask real nice?
ReplyDeleteThe problem with drinking in order to sleep/forget is that soon you'll need more and more of it to get to sleep, and that will present a whole new set of problems. I hope you can quit that soon and come to terms with whatever is haunting you.
ReplyDeleteAt least you had a few moments to pop by and give us an update. I've missed you! Hang in there.
ReplyDeleteHey I see that psychotic boogie everyday at work!
ReplyDeleteglad you stopped back for the update also. as to "normal", I have always been wary of whomever set the standard. hmmmm....I make my own "norm." best of luck.
ReplyDeleteMan it is good to read something from you again.
ReplyDeleteI hope the best for you.
ReplyDeletethat is all. :)
I had the same dream except it ended in me being covered by Asian bi-sexual women.
ReplyDeleteMan, I love sleepy time.
Wow . . . that dream, now MY chest hurts!
ReplyDeleteThat was a very good dream for you as it was releasing the anxieties you are dealing with and making you aware of what they are. Becoming aware of and identifying your "issues" is the first giant step to resolving them and bringing closure. Sounds to me like you are quite capable of surviving whatever this is and being an even stronger person for it. You continue to be in my thoughts. Thank you for checking in and bring a smile to my day.
ReplyDeleteWell, I was going to give you some solid advice telling that your dream was a good sign but Tony seems to know a little more about dreams than me.
ReplyDeleteAnd the truth is, I was going to make up stuff because my wife has one of those dream books she uses, almost as a bible, but I like to read it to her when she wakes up in a cold sweat and needs me to translate what just happened. If I don't like what I see on the page, I just wing it (make shit up).
I don't know what all is going on in your life but I do know that I enjoy reading your blog, But I can wait and so can the rest of your readers.
When you get a few minutes, write. Until then, I'll check in, look at the lady in the towel for a few seconds, and come back again later.
You are worth it.
Sometimes you have to find a new normal, whatever that may be.
ReplyDeleteI don't have time to interpret your dream right now, but I'll swing back through this evening and see what I can find.
Hey Girl, So maybe it's like dead people trying to talk to you and that will be your new found mission in life. Maybe it wasn't really a dream.......
ReplyDeleteI'll have to come down with my ghost hunting equipment. LOL Just trying to make you laugh. Love ya! Judy
Okay, falling from a long height and landing softly means you should trust your instincts to lead you out of a difficult situation. The crowd means you should probably make some space for yourself and start leading, instead of following.
ReplyDeleteTo dream of drowning suggests you're feeling a little overwhelmed and you're no longer able to hide your feelings about a certain situation.
Basically, your dream is telling you - take care of you, be honest, and trust in your abilities and instincts.
Freud's interpretation would have been that you have lesbian tendencies and need more penises in your life. Oh wait, that's me. Never mind. ;-)