I did nothing but run, run, run yesterday.
Anyway, that's neither here not there. I lived through it so let's get on with the dentist story...
I ended up being late. Basically it's because there is some kind of bushy tree thingy that hangs over the top of the sign, and it's barely noticeable. I strained my eyes looking for the damn place and no, I'm not direction impaired. I knew where to go, just not how to get into the damn place.
So being late put me behind an hour. I filled out paperwork which took fifteen minutes and then waited for forty five.
Once I got into the office, Nurse Happy Pants, informed me that although they had an x-ray of my mouth, it was insufficient and they needed to take another one. "Free of charge, "she snorted at me.
"Great! I love free stuff!" I said in return.
She grunted and didn't even look up at me.
Guess I wasn't going to make friends with her any time soon...
SOOO...I waited in the chair and looked at the before and after pictures of this chick who had forty double chins. Then after surgery she looked better than my 14 year old daughter. Apparently this oral surgeon dude did surgery on her.
Do you think it was real pictures or fake?
I'm thinking it had to be fake. I mean, good grief. She had forty double chins!!! How could anyone possibly remove that much stuff? AND make her look 14 year old again???
I wasn't buying it.
So finally the condescending asshole...er...I mean the dental surgeon steps into the room. He glances at me and then looks at the x-rays (which, by the way, look exactly the same as the one's my dentist sent him. ???)
He doesn't introduce himself or anything. He just asks me if my impacted wisdom tooth bothers me.
I tell him,"No. Not really."
So he tells me...after only two minutes in the examining room with me...in these EXACT WORDS...
"Well since you're so old, I don't think I'm going to bother to take it out."
Hey asshole. It's not like I have one foot in the grave or anything. I'm thinking I still have over half my life left to live. I still need my goddamn teeth and I'm trying not to have any more dental problems.
So I speak up and ask him, "If you don't take my tooth now, then what will happen if it keeps pushing against the other tooth?"
He says, "You may lose it."
I'm thinking in my head...I'm losing it already asshole....
but openly I ask him,
"Are you high?"
"Have you been in the laughing gas?"
"I could lose my other perfectly healthy tooth and you're not going to take it out because I'm too old?"
He and Nurse Happy Pants look at me horrified like I've just said 'FUCK ME' or something.
He ignores my question and says he'll make an appointment to take out the other two problem teeth and he'll send a letter of explanation to my dentist so she can explain it to me.
Explain it to me. Like I'm a freaking idiot.
It really pissed me off, so I got up without saying a word, walked out to the receptionist and she informed me I owed $57 for the "consultation."
"What consultation?" I asked. "He didn't seem terribly concerned about what I thought and told me what he had decided to do about me! I wasn't consulted!!"
She blinked her eyes a lot and looked at me like a deer in the headlights, so I took pity on her and stopped talking before the veins on my forehead stuck out.
I mean it's not her fault.
Then I paid, reluctantly, and left.
So now I'm going to wait and see what my dentist says. I do trust her, even though I think he's a prick and if she says to go ahead with what he's telling me, then I'll do it.
I won't like it, but I'll do it anyway.
And you know what? I think this pissy bastard is my age. He looks to be about 40ish.
Meh....the old age thing doesn't bother me. The part that bothers me is his seemingly indifference to me possibly losing my other tooth. I have to work hard at keeping my teeth. I have always had terrible teeth and plenty of dental problems. It's takes an act of congress just to keep them from being pulled. And then he 'decides' he doesn't want to mess with the impacted wisdom tooth? Because I'm too old?
I STILL don't get that one...
Maybe the pictures of the forty chinned, now I'm fourteen year old woman was his wife and he's forgotten how old she really is. Maybe he is delusional?
Freakin oral surgeon....piss on him.
Well that's enough bitching. I'm going to take my old hag ass off here and wash some laundry before it's time for my metamucil break.
At the rate I'm going, it'll be the only thing left that I can eat...
WHO did you see? I tried to call you earlier, but the machine didn't pick up. I hope you didn't see Drs. Black and Gilbert downtown. They did my wisdom teeth years ago and they weren't freaks (least not then...)
ReplyDeleteThis is a pretty funny day. I posted about trying to find some new blogs to read and the ETW said she usually gets them from other blogs comments. (I was using the next blog button and gettin nuttin but porn.)
ReplyDeleteSo I comment on Tiff's post and decide to select one of the commenters I don't know and end up here.
Your post today about your pain in the mouth brought back some memories and I just have to read back and find out the whole story.
And WOW! You can write some posts! So I finally end up here, decide to comment and look who the hell the two previous commenters are. Small world.
Your posts are fantastic. I will be visiting often.
And by the way, I had two sets of four wisdom teeth. I had the first set removed in high school and they came back and were removed again six years later. They even took photos for a dental journal.