That's cutting into my drinking time!!!
I sound like someones dad don't I?
Seriously, I don't mind it but it's just better when the meetings take place on the week nights, when I have to get up the next day anyway. I avoid drinking on those nights because I can't sleep in if I want..er..need to.
Friday and Saturday nights are my nights to drink. Unless I have to work some volunteer thing or something, I always have a few to loosen up a bit. I don't get falling down drunk or throw up in the neighbors yard or anything. And MOST times I actually make it to my bedroom before I'm completely naked. But if I have to get up early the next morning or work some volunteer function Friday or Saturday night, then I don't drink anything (although that's when I really need some alcohol in my system).
I don't go to any of the "You're going to Hell to burn for all eternity if you allow a drop of alcohol to touch your lips " churches, so I can sleep in on Sundays too.
I know it might be hard to believe, because I am so saintly and angelic, but I don't go to church anywhere right now.
Speaking of church....why is it that going to church, temple, etc.. seem to be required in order to be considered a Christian, Buddhist, Scientologist, Jew etc?
I thought the entire point of it all is for it to be spiritual and personal?
I have difficulty getting spiritual and personal when someone in the third row behind me is blowing their nose and the people across the aisle from me are commenting on how low cut my dress is.
But that's just me....
I sometimes feel like a foreigner in a foreign land. I love the people in the town I live in, unless they are old and look like they want to kill me (which I get a lot for some reason) and I've even grown fond of the rolling hills and the river, complete with coal barges and the echo of trains and the interstate 24/7.
The thing I still have trouble with, is the intrusive way some people can be.
It's like people think it's their JOB to tell you when you're sinning or something. And no, it's not everyone in this town, but there's a few that live on every street and believe me, they keep their eyes peeled for someone doing the devil's work.
I may feel like sitting on my porch, in my tank top and shorts and have a beer. It's my porch, in my fenced in yard and it's even sheltered from the street by trees and bushes. But it NEVER fails that someone, normally someone OLD, who either lives on my street or drives up and down my street, (I refer to them as the Jesus Police) finds SOMETHING to discuss about my sinful ways. I'm either going to hell because I was drinking a beer in public where people could see me (as opposed to me hiding and drinking in secret which is apparently the accepted way of doing it here) OR I'm going to hell for not wearing a bra under my tank top, which incidentally covers everything and is loose enough that it's somewhat modest. It's not like I'm wearing a white tank top so tight my breasts are straining to get out of it.
The entire thing completely irritates me and leaves me frustrated.
It makes me want to stand out in my front yard, wearing nothing but a white tank top and douse myself in beer while playing ACDC's Highway To Hell, with "Fuck You" written across my ass in red lipstick.
Oh...the fantasies I have about my liberation from the Jesus Police....yeah...
Mostly though, except for that one teensy, weensy irritating thing, I like where I live now. I've made it my home and well...for the most part, I'm pretty settled in.
I know quite a few people. In fact my husband gets upset all the time because people refer to him as Tammie's husband instead of me as Daniel's wife...HAHAHA...
And on more than one occasion, his former classmates have looked shell shocked when I've informed them who my husband is. Apparently they think that my wild, outgoing personality is the complete opposite of my husbands. I've been told that I'm not what they would have pictured when picturing someone who would be married to Daniel.
Whatever that means....
Who would they picture him being married to then. For that matter who would they picture me being married to?
Maybe I don't want to know the answer...hahaha
Anyway, that's all I have for today. I need to pour some coffee down my throat because it's almost 2:30 and that pesky Swedish habit from my childhood has stuck with me, even here in this ungodly hot, Bible Belt in West Virginia. Afternoon coffee down here in the summer is like a sauna from the inside out but no self respecting Swede would go without afternoon coffee.
And we all know I am definitely a self-respecting Swede...or something along those lines anyway...

Um, it IS your yard, but please wear pants when you finally do flip out, because public nakedness is an actual arrestable offense.
ReplyDeleteRe: religion vs spirituality - Religion, as I understand it, is the imposition of a set of rules on spirituality. Some people like and need rules, others do not. As long as you're not kicking puppies and robbing old folks in your spare time, I'm thinking you're OK.
You can do what I do and no longer give a rats ass what other people think or say. It works good enough for me these days but I'm really going to cash in on this attitude when I'm old and senile.
ReplyDeleteGoing to hell for wearing a tank top braless? I hardly think so, actually I would hope you get annointed with sainthood. You have my nomination if that helps.