If anyone happened to stop by the Little League stand and get a look at me this weekend, I just need to clarify a little something. I had been running non-stop with possibly a total of several hours of sleep over three days and my appearance was the equivalent to something the cat would hack up, with braids. We can't forget about the braids.
And no...there was no endorsement for Swiss Miss cocoa involved in the whole braid thing. I was simply trying to keep my hair up so I wouldn't get any in anyone's food.
So if you came and felt afraid, give me another chance. I'm not always that scary.
Ok.Now that I've cleared that up, let's continue.
Friday stayed pretty busy. We sold out of everything. I felt like my head was going to explode on more than one occasion. BUT...it wasn't because I was working at the speed of light. It was something else that made my head hurt. Two words...
Gospel Music.
I need to explain something. I had never even HEARD gospel music before I moved down here. Imagine my delight at hearing it ALL DAY LONG WITH SPEAKERS BLARING LOUD ENOUGH TO MAKE MY EARS BLEED!!!!
It wasn't terrible, mind you, the first couple of hours. I even enjoyed it. And I didn't have any thoughts of inflicting harm on other people even after five hours of it.
I think I began to hallucinate about Jesus sweeping down in a chariot and whisking me away after seven hours. And by the time the good performers game on, I was completely out of my mind.
That beautiful old gospel tune, "He touched me" just didn't have the same meaning for me after nine hours of blaring gospel music.
And then of course, there was the OWLH. Yeah...that's right. Old White Lady Hate. I suffered with it all day long. I'm telling you that if one more old woman would have approached me and been hateful to me after sitting and waving their hand in the air while singing along with "What a Day that Will Be"...I would have ripped my braids out of my head and stripped my clothes off in a wild fit while jumping up and down, swearing like a sailor. It probably would be the worst spectacle this town had ever seen at the fall festival. They would have been talking about me for years to come.
But my self control held out. I didn't say anything. I didn't do anything. As a matter of fact, I was pretty darn quiet all day.
I'm very proud of myself too.
It's very hard for me to be quiet you know.
Sooo....I made my hotdogs and BBQ's and waited on people while being very polite.
I was a good girl.
And damn it. It wasn't easy.
Saturday was better. There wasn't a gospel fest all day long and the people were more diverse. I didn't get as tired because I got to sit down a little bit and the old woman who was working across the court yard who was trying to steal my husband was a little less aggressive.
She kept coming over on Friday and flirting with him. I shit you not. I'd say she was in her seventies but she kept telling him he was such a nice looking man, and then she'd say things like, "I don't need sugar in my coffee because looking at you makes it sweet enough."
My husband was horrified.
The best one was when she asked if the "hunk of burning love" working the grill would make her a special wiener.
I bet she wasn't talking about a hot dog either....
So Saturday was better and the music was better too. It was a combination of several kinds, but when the Van-Dells came on that night, well...you know the Dr.Pepper wagon was a rockin. Margaret, Lisa and I were shaking our booties and twisting the night away.
All in all, we did pretty well. We made some money for Little League and got to watch the citizens of Dunbar do their thing.
So now today, I'm catching up. I'm catching up on laundry and dishes and paperwork. I walked two miles this morning and then my friends are taking me out to lunch. Seems like it's going to be a pretty good day.
Hope everyone else has a good day too....
I too had a wonderful day, tearing out celing plaster and replacing drain lines........ :-(
ReplyDeleteSorry I missed the good food!
Just mentioning Swiss Miss made me think of winter time.....bring it on!