A dress, you ask?
Yes...a dress.
My daughters are involved in things that cause me considerable poverty and it forces me into situations that are unpleasant and sometimes exhausting.
And no...I do not solicit for money, although that would be considerably more exciting than what I am doing.
Instead I am sewing to help defray the expense that goes along with my daughters performing group.
I can sew...
Bet ya didn't know I was talented like that, did ya?
There is one teensy, weensy problem though.
I am making a dress without a pattern.
The director wanted this dress that was on this video and asked if I could do it.
Being the DUMBASS I am, I said, "Sure. No problem." (Was I drunk?)
Anyway...It's really not a problem. Given enough time I can make the same dress. As a matter of fact, I've already made the skirt pattern using sheets and can whip it up in less than a day.
My problem is TIME.
I NEEDS me some more time but I ain't gots NO TIME!!!
I'm still trying to figure out the top part. But the director is ready to stroke out because I'm not done.
FUCK! How do I get myself into these situations???
I'm just going around, living my life and trying to help people out and what do I get for it?
So today I need to figure out the solution. I've made three different tops and I'm not happy with any of them.
And before anyone says anything...NO...I will NOT show them just anything. It has to be PERFECT first.
So I'm feeling pressured and I hate it. But on the other hand, if I do pull this off and become a world famous designer, I plan to make clothing with easier access holes and gadgets for my undressing pleasure. Fredrick's of Hollywood will love me! And I will be rich enough that I can wear whatever the hell I want.
Hey...I do that already...hmmm...
In other news I mowed at the field yesterday. I guess I really don't mind it, but it would have been better with a beer. I think I'm going to have to plan on doing that the next time I mow, oh, like tomorrow. That damn field never seems to stay mowed. If it would just stop growing so goddamn fast, I could have a couple days off. I need a couple days off, but the beer will help motivate me. I need to be motivated sometimes. Who doesn't?
I'm not feeling motivated today.
My husband is sick and you know what that means....
I love him...I really do. But when I get sick, I prefer for everyone to leave me the hell alone. Just let me suffer alone and don't come near me. If I want you, I'll yell for you. And don't bitch at me if I want to sleep on the bathroom floor. Go get a bucket and head outdoors and leave me passed out on the linoleum.
But my honey needs CONSTANT attention when he is sick. The only reason he's not whining for me right now is because he is sleeping. It's amazing what a couple swigs of vodka can do in someone's orange juice, you know? Does anyone think that it might be bad to mix that with NyQuil?
Meh...he'll live.
I'm hoping for three maybe four hours before he wakes up.
Like I said...I love him. But a woman has got to do what a woman has to do...
Whelp...I gotta go. I have TONS of world famous stuff to be doing. It's hard being so talented and stuff, but you know how it is.
I deal with it...
You and your sewing! Didn't you learn from last year? LOL. Good luck on the top - I'm sure it'll be perfect. :-)