Saturday, December 20, 2008


There is something really great about a wine buzz.
Your face feels all tingly and stuff and you start thinking about the craziest shit, you know?

I was thinking about the time Mr.Man and I went to Wright Patterson Air Force Base for Mr.Man's back surgery. Miss KIA was just a baby and I had just weaned her off breast feeding so I could travel with Mr.Man on the medivac flight and be there for the surgery.
My tits were ROCK HARD and I could have busted concrete with them...NOT EVEN SHITTING YOU!!!
(I'm a teensy-weensy intoxicated, can you tell???)
Yeah so anyhow, my tits were still huge and solid, kind of like those little bowling balls for candlepin bowling.
See picture below...

I wasn't really still supposed to be leaking milk but I did anyway, so there were some issues on the plane. I was fine when I was awake but when I fell asleep, they leaked. So...since I get terribly car sick, air sick, motion sick etc...I took some medicine that knocked me out. Needless to say, when the plane landed, I had two FUCKING GIANT WET SPOTS ON THE FRONT OF MY SHIRT!!!

Needless to say, I was gawked at by EVERYONE...thankfully I'm a shameless harlot who didn't give a shit and shrugged the entire thing off. Mr.Man was too high on morphine to even remember my name so it all worked out for the best.

We ended up staying in Billeting the 1st several nights we were there.Mr.Man had to wait on a bed to open up before they could do surgery on him. For some odd reason, we decided that it would be fun to go to the NCO club and get drunk. Yes, Mr.Man was on morphine so I'm not sure why I thought it would be a good idea for me to get drunk but in hindsight, it was a BAD idea...a VERY BAD idea.

We stayed at the club, eating hot wings and drinking and then when we got back to billeting, we decided that we'd screw and do it up big time. I supposed we figured he'd be out of commission for awhile so we might as well get in one last time before the drought.
We went at it like we'd both taken massive quantities of horny pills and after thrashing about until the mattress came halfway off the bed, I puked chicken wings until my brains almost came out and Mr.Man cried like a baby from the pain.

Smart, weren't we?

The next morning, we stepped out of the door. The poor guy who'd spent the night in the room next to us was standing outside. He watched me come out, carrying both duffel bags of our clothes and then Mr.Man appear, leaning on a cane and winching with every step.
The guy looked me over and then winked at Mr.Man.

We had a good laugh about that for sure....

Meh...I don't know why I'm blathering on about this particular experience but it popped into my head and I figured I'd share.
I'm such a generous person that way...LOL now you know one of the things that has popped into my head when I get a little bit of a buzz going.
What kinds of things do YOU think about???
Care to share????

Time to sleep this one off...see ya when the urge strikes again!!!


  1. I had a bottle of champagne last night and my date had a bottle of red and I didn't have thoughts like yours. Not even close. I don't think my date did either. I must admit that I find your story quite interesting though. I did get distracted a bit when I read "rock hard" but I soldiered on and managed to focus on something other than your breasts. LOL As if!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, Ms Goddess.

  2. Oh my. I think I have stayed in that same billeting. And the puked up chicken wings go a long way to explain the smell.

    I'm a pleasant drunk. I think warm, sentimental thoughts, relive memories (that don't involve puking), contemplate doing nice things that would make my wife happy, then promptly fall asleep.

    Is it too early for a beer?

  3. I don't drink. I'm sure I would be the guy crying into his beer or who knows maybe I would be the guy trying to start fights, either way I don't think it would end well.

  4. When I used to drink, my beverage of choice tended toward 'shine and the like, rather than wine.

    Wine made me cry or read poetry.

    'Shine (and the like) made me MEAN.

  5. I'm a happy wine drunk - and loose too. If the Evil Twin catches me before I pass out, he will get lucky.

  6. Ah would be my drink of choice. But I know I could nver top your escapade!

  7. When I drink, I go to sleep. Not terribly exciting, am I?

  8. My wife is the same as ETW. And she only drinks when she is out with friends. But I shouldn't be worried. Right?

    I remember those balls (in the picture) I used to bowl in a candlepin league for many years. Now of course it's only big balls for me.
