So I figured I'd discipline myself to get up this morning and do it.
(Aren't you happy?)

Yeah, it is anyway...
46 Odd Things about The Blonde Goddess....
1.Do you like blue (sic) cheese? YES!!! I EAT IT!!! As God is my witness, I like it and I enjoy it. I can't believe how many people don't like it. Believe me, I have had a lot nastier things in my mouth before than bleu cheese dressing.
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? Never touched the stuff in any form, although my behavior would say otherwise....
3.Do you own a gun? Yes, we do own some and most of them are older than our house.Mr. Man only spends extraordinary amounts of money on things that are old and dirty and rusty.
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? I have never been to a Sonic. I don't even know if they have one around here. Besides, we never eat out. I always cook.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? No...I always welcome the opportunity to take my clothes off and show my bits to people as long as it's legitimate...
6. What do you think of hot dogs? I like em but only if they're red hot dogs, steamed and sitting in a lightly toasted bun, covered in ketchup, mustard, relish and chopped onions.
7. Favorite Christmas movie? The Christmas Story. Oddly enough the father in that movie reminds me of Mr.Man...
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Hot coffee, sometimes with cream and sugar and sometimes without...
9. Can you do push ups? Only if you're talking about a push-up bra. I can do those just fine....
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? I don't have any expensive jewelry (but I have a slew of fucking old guns and shit)...BUT I do have my great-grandmother's engagement ring and my grandmother's class ring. They both mean the world to me.
11. Favorite hobby? I was going to say crafting and writing and legitimate stuff like that, but honestly sex is my hobby. I'm a big enough person to admit it.
12. Do you have A.D.D ? That depends...if A.D.D. stands for A Dozen Dildo's then yes, I do...*GRIN*
13. What is one trait you hate about yourself? I tend to withdraw into myself when I'm upset or stressed. I don't want to do it and I don't mean to do it, but I do. It's something I learned as a child and I'm trying to stop it.
14. Middle name? Jean
15. What is your favorite TV show or movie? TV: Mad Men~~~ Movie:I'm not sure. I love foreign films, especially Swedish ones... Fanny and Alexander is wonderful!
16. Name 3 things you bought yesterday. Milk, Vodka and cat litter...(such is my life)
17. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink. Coffee, water and vodka...heh heh
18. Current worry? There are so many and I'm trying to get away from them that I think I'll pass on this one....
19. Current hate right now? I try not to hate anything but if I have to choose something, it's people who target other people because they have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives and instead of doing something to make their lives better, they pick other people's lives apart...
20. Favorite place to be? Maine...I am so terribly homesick all the time....but being with my husband and children is still good no matter where we are.
21. Where would you like to go? Sweden to see where my grandparents and great grandparents lived, England and Ireland to see the area that Mr.Man's relatives lived, the rest of the United States that I haven't visited, and a dozen other countries with archaeological sights that would be completely awesome to see.
22. Name three people who will complete this? Over three people I know have already done this and I'm probably the last to do it...
24. What shirt are you wearing? Tank top with sleep's Sunday morning...
25. What year would you go back in time to? I don't know...there are so many to choose from. I can't decide...
26. Can you whistle? Yes I can but I don't do it very often. My great-grandmother used to tell me that if I whistled in the house, snakes would come in through the floor and bite me. (I think she really hated whistling, don't you?)
27. Favorite color? Green
28. Would you be a pirate? I'm not sure. I get car sick and I don't know how I would do on a boat. Plus I hate to mop and I'd probably take my eye out with a sword...I don't know...
29. Favorite girl's name? Linnea...I wanted to name Veggie Stick that, but I was out voted...meh....
30. Favorite boy's name? I don't know. I sat here for a good three or four minutes and I couldn't think of one...
31. Last thing you dreamed about? I was cross country skiing and there was nothing in front of me but open fields covered with snow...pine trees in the distance..bright sunlight...pure bliss. I love it when I dream of Maine...
32. What's in your pocket right now? My cell phone..
33. Last thing that made you laugh? Mr.Man dancing to KC& The Sunshine Band last night after a few mixers...hahaha
34.Best Halloween costume? Hooker...I could have made some serious cash...LOL
35. Worst injury you've ever had? I skinned all the hide off one side of my body once when my cousin Greg and I decided to ride his motorbike over a dirt pile and jump it. Needless to say, we jumped the damn thing and landed on our sides...I still have a rock in the skin on my hip. You can feel it.
36. Do you like where you live? I like my house. It's not fancy and it's in need of repair, but it's my home and I love it. I wish it were in Maine, but you do what you have to do, you know?
37. How many TVs do you have in your house? We have four now. One downstairs and one for each bedroom. I don't know how that happened exactly, but it did and I like laying in bed watching Mad Men.
38. Who is your loudest friend? I don't know...that's a tough one.
39. How many dogs do you have? One
40. Does someone have a crush on you? I don't know...maybe? This is a weird question...
41. What is your favorite book(s)? Poetry, mystery, I have way too many to list on here...I read all the time and normally have four or five books going at the same time...
42. What is your favorite candy? That depends on my mood. I guess if I had to choose one kind it would be straight Hershey's chocolate, but I like 5th Avenue bars and Heath bars and 3 Musketeers and Milky Way.
43. Favorite Sports Team? RED SOX!!!!
44. Favorite Sports?, I have learned to love football)
45. What were you doing 12 AM last night? Brushing my teeth and washing my face, getting ready for bed. I might have been pooping too...
46. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Did I fart or did Mr.Man fart?
Wow...I am done. Now I shall reward myself with a cup of coffee and a massive tittie whipping to Mr.Man's face...(we're out of cinnamon rolls so he deserves it.)
See ya next time...
Great list. Two in one weekend, I'm in shock :)
ReplyDeleteI like the name Linnea, so it is too bad you were outvoted!!
ReplyDeleteCool, I can do this one too . .
ReplyDeletecue the theme song from "Welcome Back, Kotter"....I missed you!
ReplyDeleteYou're...You're BACK?!?
I believe this is a sign of the Apocalypse.
That, and Rachael Ray getting her own talk show.
Welcome back, BG.
I'll be hanging out in my bomb shelter.
I like # 5 I can be found on yahoo messenger...mmmk??
ReplyDeleteShit! I just wrote something and it didn't take. F'n !$&?Q@$% blogger bitch!
ReplyDeleteYou look just like the Santa Goddess...your boobs are far better than mine. Afraid I am doomed to genetics or surgery.
Got a good meme, or a "challenge" for you and a few other abnormal above average and slight imbalanced folks. It is seasonal, so go get it!
#12 made me laugh.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back!
Welcome back! We missed ya!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to see you back!! Everyone over at the Surf Report has been missing you!!