I was terrible proud of him...
It was tough on him, I'm sure, but he did it. Of course he's still walking around with this look on his face.....

So I KNOW he's still THINKING about it. I'll just have to keep my eye on him...
Saturday was a nightmare.
I began my day by running into the corner of my cupboard. It hit myself above my right eye... Then I ran into the corner of my cupboard AGAIN and hit myself in the SAME place! Now what are the chances of that happening?
Little Beatle had a game, which I missed an hour of because I was calling people to try to find tip workers for bingo.
No one wants to work bingo.
I don't want to work bingo.
The people who come there are fucking insane.

I'm not even kidding. There are only a handful of normal people who go there and the rest are crazier than hell.
This weekend, I was cussed out six times and harassed by one guy who wouldn't get out of my face because I wouldn't sell him tips while he was standing up. It's a rule that you're not allowed to sell to people if they come up to you and buy. It's to try to ensure that it stays fair for everyone and everyone has a chance to buy. Plus you're supposed to go up and down the isles and not skip people. If you keep going back then not everyone has a chance to buy.
Makes sense to me.
Well let me tell you, some of these morons have no FUCKING clue...
And it doesn't help when other people selling the tips keep breaking the rules and doing what they're not supposed to. It just makes for chaos and it pisses people off.
Normally...I don't lose my temper, but I didn't want to be there in the first goddamn place and secondly, I had run into the cupboard the second time a mere fifteen minutes before arriving to work bingo.
A minor concussion can make a woman a little on the bitchy side, ok?
So this one stupid fucker who started threatening me got blasted. I couldn't help myself. Even the people who know me looked shocked. I don't normally involve myself in that kind of low character bullshit, but Saturday was a bad day and that son-of-a-bitch got an earful.
Apparently he complained to the office too.
I was hoping they'd send my ass home.
They didn't of course, because I was right...he was wrong...and I have to give the guy credit. He apologized to me the next time I came around. I thought that was very nice of him. People don't normally apologize to someone when they're wrong anymore, do they? It gave me a whole new respect for him as a person.
There was one big old girl who said she was going to meet me out in the parking lot and kick my ass. All over tips! I wouldn't skip people and go back two tables to sell to her, so she yelled threats at me. I laughed at her and told her "Bring it on honey."
The truth is...she probably would have pulverized me but she was so damn big I could have easily out run her and her little friends...

I mouthed off at her because quite frankly by that time I didn't give a shit. I was in such a pissy mood that I was practically throwing tips at people.
She kept running her mouth every time I went by her table after that. I would just walk on the other side and ignore her. I half expected her to come up behind me and grab me by the hair so I was keeping my little tip can ready in case I had to give her a dose of it upside her head.
Then one of the people sitting down from her and her posse, said she wouldn't really do anything because she wouldn't want to be kicked out of bingo for good. Apparently she runs her mouth constantly...
Whatever....the crazy bitch needed to shut the hell up.
The whole thing put me in a pissy mood and when I got home, I showered, took tylenol and went to bed.
Sunday was a little better. I slept in until nine. Then I got up and had coffee and toast. The girls actually picked up the house and I didn't get stuck doing all the dishes from Saturday. That was a shocker...
Veggie Stick had practice so I dropper her off then came home and made a nice dinner. We had stuffed pork chops, mashed potatoes and broccoli with cheese sauce. She had a stuffed veggie burger with her potatoes and broccoli. Cream of mushroom soup and stuffing over the top of a soy burger and voila!

Her own version of stuffed pork chops.
I was planning on making a cake but Mr.Man had a hankering for an ice cream sundae. An easy dessert....so that leads me to ask this question...
Does anyone make dessert to have after dinner anymore?
I remember having dessert with dinner when I went to Nana's or Grammie's but seldom at home. And if it did, it was usually ice cream,instant pudding or store bought cookies.
I was just wondering if that's a thing of the past now...
I need new brakes on my car. When I drive it, it squeals like a stuck pig.
My kids have informed me that my car is ghetto and they're embarrassed to be seen in it. Hey Goddamn it. The KRT sells bus passes and walking is free. It doesn't hurt my feelings at all if they don't want to ride with me. It would free up a lot of my time.
I'm going to call the garage today to see if they can fix them for me. I had hoped that Mr.Man would do it, but in no uncertain terms he explained how "Hectic" his three day weekends are...what with laying around drunk and playing video games, I don't know how he does it...

Going in a completely different direction here....
I had a dream about my father last night.
My biological father.
It freaked me out quite honestly and while I highly doubt he would attempt to contact me, you just never know.
I don't have anything to do with him.
I never really have...I knew him briefly...he had remarried and lived near us so I would visit occasionally. Then one weekend he just moved away....without saying good-bye or anything.
A couple years later he went to prison...he was in for 13 years...No Parole...
I heard from him then because he wrote to me but I told him not to write to me again.
Because of what he went to prison for I'd prefer for him to not be around my kids.
I'll leave it at that...perhaps you'll read the full story on him in my biography one day....ok?
With that said...this is my mood today...

Yep...I'm in the mood to clean again. I don't understand it but I figure why not just go with it when it does happen? Sometimes I clean when I'm stressed and don't want to deal with it. Maybe it's a good thing? I hate to clean and if stress helps that, then who am I to question it?
Keeping things real here....you do the same.
WHY do you do this crazy bingo thing? It sounds perfectly heinous. Yikes.
ReplyDeleteTiff....I do it for Little League. It's how we make the majority of our money.
ReplyDeleteIt's hell...yes it is...but it's the fastest way we know how to make big money for our kiddos.
It's a Goddamn racket I'm telling you.
AND THEN...to top it all off...most of the fucking parents won't work it!!!
I do it for the kids...but I'm getting older and meaner so that might come to an end soon...
I think a rotation where every parent has their turn at that bullshit sounds fair. Why should you get stuck with the pure hell jobs all the time. I think if it was a simple fair rotation it gets spread around so it only drives everybody a little crazy.
ReplyDeleteYeah Ron...I agree that all the parents need to participate in a rotation schedule but the lame muthafuckahs won't do it!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to rotate my foot in their asses...grrrrr....
They do bingo at Buddy's school and there are incentives (a reduced tuition) if you work enough bingos. The $500 off tuition isn't enough for me to even attempt it, but lots of families DO take advantage of that and work the bingos like madmen. Yuck.
ReplyDeleteYou poor kid. Running into furniture and not being able to run over the bingo crazies. I reccommend a huge glass of beer, no make that 2. Now go sit down and put your feet up.
ReplyDeleteBingo people are totally insane. They've been like that any time I've gone to play bingo, no matter the state or country I was in (in England I was a national bingo nut...it's a totally different game there, but the parlors are linked nationally...I once came damned close to winning the national prize and I was hooked, hooked I tell ya).
ReplyDeleteReally, you are on the board (or whatever they call it) for little league. They really need to be shamed into making each family participate (if it's each parent, the voting guys will balk...make it 'a representative of each family' and they might just vote yes assuming they'll make someone else do it still).
Your heritage is showing in the people not following the rules thing getting on your nerves. Here, people are way too quick to bend a rule so that someone doesn't have to wait because waiting is worse than death. LOL.
I have absolutely no clue what the fuck you are talking about. Really.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I am already insane and no one told me.
I even bought clue at walmart and that still inst helping me one iota about what you are saying.
For the love of the big guy in the sky, what are you saying!
(oh, and those pictures burned a hole in my retina, thank you very much.)
Wyld....stop reading honey. You're not enjoying it and it's making you upset.
ReplyDeleteI don't want you to leave my blog feeling annoyed and upset. Just stop reading.
Read the people on your blog roll...they make you happy.
I was trying to be funny. I still have no clue what you were writing about.
ReplyDeleteNo one does Wyld...no one does....
ReplyDelete(I knew you were trying to be funny...I was being funny back at ya..lol)
Dessert? It's so rare at my house, that when we do have it, my kids want to know what's so special.
ReplyDeleteThey'll even get excited at jello or store bought cookies, because unless it's a holiday or I'm eating out, I'm just not a dessert person. And since I do the shopping and cooking, it's all about me. :-)
But I do loooovvvvve dessert. Maybe that's why I don't keep it around.
We have dessert here from time to time.
ReplyDeleteIt's usually grapes, apples, yogurt or ice cream bars.