God I love that store.
I went for hangers and cleaning supplies but found ALL KINDS of treasures!!!
All stuff I need too...er...well stuff I kinda need.
The sidewalk chalk was sooo pretty and well, you never know when the front of my house might turn into a crime scene. If I have to keep doing all the housework WITH NO HELP, it could happen tomorrow. And if it did happen, what would the police do if there was no chalk with which to out-line the body? (I happen to be friends with several of the police in my town and I know for a fact that they all eat chalk, so yeah...it is a possibility there might be a chalk shortage.)And the victim, most likely to be my second oldest daughter would be horrified to think that she might be outlined in plain white chalk..so I got the pretty colored kind.
It's a good thing I plan for stuff, you know.
Specially at the dollar store.
I bought a GIANT tub to put stuff in. Ok...I mainly bought it because it was cheap and pretty, but I know I can use it for something. Besides, there were no kiddie pools and what else can I use to bathe in Jello?

Anyone for Jello wrestling?
So yeah...I bought twenty five dollars worth of stuff. Good stuff. I just know I'm going to need that polident stuff. It was only a buck you know...
As I left to go home, I decided to just get on the interstate.
It started with the tractor trailer truck convoys pinning me in from every side. They were all a bunch of LOOKERS...(You know what I'm talking about. The guys who ride in big trucks and look in your car to check you out.) Well let me tell you, I wished with all my heart I hadn't been wearing a bra cause I would have folded the bottom of my shirt up and given them a freakin look. I bet they would have backed off REAL fast when they'd caught a glimpse of my nipples resting on my thighs. Dumbasses!!!
They're jeopardizing my life for a flash of skin? Idiots I tell you!
As I made my way out of the perv pileup, these mid-size sedans pull up on all sides. They are everywhere, surrounding me, but only briefly.As fast as they zoomed in to surround me, they were gone again. I believe, by the quick glance I got at them, they were sales people. They were all driving 90 while talking on the phone, using their laptop and eating lunch at the same time.... (I swear one guy looked like he was driving with his Johnson, if you know what I mean. He had coffee in one hand and a cell phone in the other and he was DIALING! I mean, I'm happy he's excited about his job and everything but really...)
As the pack of sale people left, I had a moment of relief until I almost rear ended an old Oldsmobile.
I could tell the guy driving it was a gawker...they always drive 25 in the traveling lane.He was whipping his head from side to side looking at everything BUT THE ROAD!!! You'd think he'd never been out of the damn house before. I carefully made my way around him and finally got off the exit, thankful to be close to home. The only other thing left to encounter was the guy at the stop light. You know what I mean. The guy picking his nose and extracting it for everyone to see before popping it into his mouth. There's always one of those guys at the stop lights...*shudder*
I was happy to get home without wrecking or throwing up (although I had a giant tub just in case..I LOVE the dollar store.)
I mean, I'm no chicken when I'm driving, but who needs the stress?
Sooo...that's my day this far. Now I need to go put my treasures away. Maybe I should keep some chalk in the car for a bribe in case I get pulled over for speeding? Damn...I knew I should have bought two packages....
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