You know, I have more than one blog going. I have three actually. One I write in all the time, (like every day..it's crazy)then another one that is my "angry blog" and no one sees that one..well..a select few...and then there is this one.
As far as I know, only a couple of people who read my other blog read this one as well. That's a good thing. The other one is read by a lot of people in the town I live in. Do you know how unnerving it is to walk into the grocery store and immediately asked if you're wearing the panties that give you a wedgie when you wear capris?
It's like my life is an open book and I'm a sick individual because I keep doing it. I keep writing. I keep pouring my guts out like someone might actually be interested in the chaos that is my life.
I am a blog whore....
I prostitute myself on web sites and give it all away for free.
I think it's a sickness...
Like right now for instance. I want to stop writing about this. I don't want people to know the severity of my addiction to these places, but I'm unable to stop.
I tell everything I know...mostly...
I bitch about things I don't like, knowing full well that someone will read it and instantly be offended.
I can't stop myself though...
I'm sick I tell you.
I blab about my body and it's attributes and faults.
I openly discuss my farts and drinking habits.
Man...that is just wrong!
I need help. I really need help. But as far as I know, there is no support group for journal addicts. Blog whores anonymous...maybe I need to start a group.
But how to do that?
On an online journal site?
Wouldn't that kind of defeat the purpose?
My head hurts from thinking about it.
I think that's all I have...I need to poop.
(see what I mean? I tell EVERYTHING!! It's a sickness)
Welcome back. Can I join BWA? We can have secret meetings at my house, since your neighborhood is full of crazies!!! LOL.
ReplyDeleteOh puhleeze. My soon-to-be exhusband said that all y'all bloggers weren't real anyhow, so even if you DID fart nobody could smell it becase you're not real!
ReplyDeleteOr something. It didn't make sense to me either. WHich is one more reason I decided to re-examine this whole "being married" thing.