Thursday, July 5, 2007


I'm annoyed.

Ever have one of those days where you're just really pissed off at the entire universe and want to squeeze cream filled things between your hands while jumping up and down screaming?

Oh know what I'm talking about.

I've been too busy to write in here and quite frankly I haven't really been able to see the lighter side of life recently. Normally there is always something funny in everything I see or do. I think humor is what keeps us all from slitting our throats, but lately...there's been nothing funny about anything.

At least not to me.

The worst of it really boils down to this....

You bust your ass to do something and some fucking retard always has something shitty to say about it...or you.
If they're not sitting on their fat ass bragging about all the shit they've done and how they've put in their time while you're still busting your ass and have outworked them ten times over, THAT pisses me off.
If you don't want to work...FINE.
Just shut your festering gob and sit on your ass, but don't run your mouth and criticize others.

As for the popularity contest...I'M NOT FUCKING INVOLVED IN IT!!!
I don't really care about shit like that. Don't compete with me, because I don't care.
Life isn't about who gains the most friends, or the most stuff. That stupid bumper sticker that says, "The person with the most stuff when they die, wins" is the most idiotic and truthful analogy of humanity that I have yet to see.

The problem is...I don't want to be like everyone else.
I want to be myself and not be restricted by all of this bullshit posturing.

If I want to jump in mud puddles...I'm going to do it. I don't give a rats ass if I'm 41 or not. It's fun, I only live once and I'm going to do it.

If I want to rock out to Metallica , I'm going to do it. If you don't like it, tough shit. It doesn't bother me that you wear spandex and still wear big hair from the 80's.

I don't have a problem with your individuality.

I don't have a problem with you doing the best you're able to, as long as you don't put down others for doing the best they are able to.

I'm just disgusted.

Disgusted with people's righteousness...

Live and let live damn it...

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