Here I am.
Although there are pictures of my journey back home, you'll have to wait a few days to see them. I'm still shaking off the travel fatigue and honestly there are only a few pictures that are funny. The rest are scenery and Mooses and stuff like that.(YES DAMMIT I KNOW MOOSES ISN'T A WORD! I just like how it sounds.)
Anyhow, one very funny picture is a shot of me with some people where I have the camel toe from hell. It looks like my HooHa is trying to eat my shorts. I'm going to have to remember to feed that thing before I go out in public...(especially when I'm drinking.)But yeah, it's pretty funny. When I sobered up the next morning and saw it I laughed until I almost pissed myself. maybe when I sobered up I had actually pissed myself but tell me, who hasn't at one time or another? I know you have so let's not even go there, ok?
This years trip was, as I mentioned before, kind of quiet. It was mainly due to Upsda's cancer and a few other family related issues. The latest on Upsda is that he's in Hospice now and they're not giving him much time...maybe a couple more weeks. One of the tumors is blocking his intestines so he's not able to eat.It's a liquid diet for him and then it'll be a feeding tube. That's not helping matters and apparently that will be partially responsible for his rapid deterioration. He's still going out fighting though. When they first brought him to hospice, they tried to feed him a protein shake. He spit it out and told them it tasted like shit. They explained that he needed to try to drink it so he'd get a little sustenance in his body. He told them he'd drink that nasty shit if they'd bring him a bourbon and coke to wash it down with. They probably didn't want to bring him a drink but they did it and they've brought him whatever else he's asked for too. He said if they wanted to feed him a liquid diet he'd actually make an effort to drink,all they'd need is a beer hat and an unlimited supply of Bud Light.

Sounds just like him. He will be missed...
The Beericksons also had their own crisis. Apparently Pukey suffered a heart attack several days before the big Beerickson bash. The stressful job she has probably contributed to that. So the big bash was canceled and although she is doing fine now and the heart attack was a mild one, it put the skids on the heavy drinking. Every one of the Beericksons is scared shitless that their way of life is leading them down a one way street toward certain death...or worse...a stroke that will permanently put them in a wheel chair and a supersized Attends. I'm curious to see how long the fear will last. I'm betting a month at the most. They just weren't meant to be the sober kind. I'm serious. Maybe Pukey could do it, but the boys? Never! There's more chance of them all joining a Monastery...

My other cousins had a party though so we went to that instead.More cousins were there and we heard about a couple of other parties coming up later in the month. It seems that if we were to go up there the latter part of July next year, we'd be able to hit up the Pig Roast at my other cousins, the Trashedaleens, which sounded like a very good time indeed.(Yes...most of my cousins are drinkers,well,much like me.)
I'm a realist and let's face it...there's not much to do in Northern Maine except drink and have parties. Everyone has huge yards and big houses, so people get together and eat and drink, then they crash, either in the house or in a tent. If you fall asleep outside you're taking your chances. You'll wake up with enough mosquito bites to make you look like a small pox victim OR you could find yourself cuddling with a bear or a moose. Passing out while you're outside and there is no one sober to babysit you is a BAD idea.
Moose aren't the brightest animals, ok?
We stayed with my brother most of the time. Miss KIA got the flu on the way up and had to travel while she was sick. We offered to stay at a hotel but she didn't want to waste the time. She slept most of the way anyhow so she didn't seem any more miserable than she would have been had we been in a hotel room with her instead. Of course Little Beatle ended up sick just a few days before we left, which put a monkey wrench in our plans to visit Bob and Judy in Plymouth. That really sucked. Of course it couldn't be helped so maybe we'll be able to see eachother next year instead.
I know this is kind of a shitty update but honestly I'm still brain dead from the trip. I unpacked yesterday and cleaned and I'm wiped out. Slowly, I'm emerging from the coma I'm in....slowly...
And for those of you who made the comments about having internet in Maine. Yes, some parts of Maine do have internet. The place that I was in? Not so much. Slow dial up and forty kids trying to get on the computer to check their MySpace pages. It was hell. I didn't even get a shot of the Smoking Fish anywhere. My family doesn't have a printer that works. As you can see, they're not so concerned with modern technology as they are with watching the sun set or making sure the black and white TV on the porch will tune into the Sox game...

Yeah...things move at a little slower pace where I come from...maybe that's not such a bad thing huh?
I'll be back tomorrow and I'll be a little more...peppy? Yeah...peppy...hahaha...
WELCOME BACK!! WOO Hoo!! Sorry about UPS family. Hey if they put you in Hospice and only give you a few week then you better do anything that guy asks for! I know if I go into a Hospice someday I will have outrageous demands and I will expect them to be met ;)
ReplyDeleteamn. I posted this on the wrong comments section, so here it goes again. If you hate these thigns, just skip it. I won't be offended.
ReplyDeleteWelcome Back!
I always wear mascara - even if I'm doing dirty work, or home sick in bed.
If you wanna know more quirky things like that, go to:
Because You've Been Tagged
That should say Damn, not "amn".
You had me at "camel toe."
ReplyDeleteWelcome back!
Welcome back. We'll have to set up a lunch date with a few people in the next week or two and catch up!
ReplyDeleteWelcome home. I was up there (Chas.) while you were gone. Get some rest and then tell us all about it.
ReplyDeleteOne time, me and a buch of friends went up to Bar Harbor, and three of us were black, like Wesley snipes back.
ReplyDeleteLocals were getting whiplash looking at the black men, it was funny.
I missed you too! Glad you're home safe. So sorry about your ailing family members too.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you need a nice cocktail and some good sleeps. Can't wait to hear more about your trip!
Welcome back the beer is cooling the fridge.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a decent enough trip, aside from the Upsda stuff. A man who is weeks from the end should be allowed to drink whatever the hell he wants.
ReplyDeleteMoose are the cows of the woods.
Glad you are back. I missed your updates!
ReplyDeleteThat was a 'quiet' visit? No wonder you need time to recover . . .
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about Upsda - it's so hard to watch someone waste away.
Glad you made it back safely.
Great post. Your shittiest posts are still better than most blogs best posts. Can't wait for that amazing camel toe photo to be posted.