I will be working dispatch and there is a lot to learn. Today was just the tip of the iceberg. I kind of learned the computer programs and went through the daily routine. The guy who is training me said it took him months to learn everything and for me not to get discouraged at the slow pace at first. Of course it almost made me insane to just sit and wait and watch and not be able to dive right in because I wanted to DO something.
Guess I'll have to learn how to sit still a little, huh?
Meh...that will only be temporary. Once I learn everything, I'll be able to stay busy all day and THAT will make me happy.
Ok...so enough about work....let's talk about Maine.
Maine was interesting enough this year. Mostly because of my mother and her drama. She is a very controlling and self centered individual. The first two days I stayed at Nana's was great. The kids and I had a chance to visit and relax. It was very nice after not seeing her for two years.
Then my mother arrived.

She literally walked in the door and said her hellos and proceeded to kick me and my family out of the house. I'm serious. Nana's house only has three bedrooms. Nana had her room, Mr.Man and I had the big bedroom with the double bed like we do every year and the other smaller room with twin beds had been prepared for my mother and step-dad.
Well that wasn't good enough for her. For some reason she expected the big room.
Now let me explain about the big room. Yes, it's spacious BUT not only do Mr.Man and I sleep in there, Little Beatle sleeps in there on a blow up mattress and we shove all five of our suitcases in there. Before the kids all got bigger, we ALL slept in there with a cot wedged in between the wall and the bed and the girls on blow up mattresses.
Yep...big room crammed full of people. I could compare the sleeping comfort to that of an entire Mexican village being smuggled across the border in the back of a truck....

Of course whatever the bitch of the universe wants, she gets so she came in the door and then walked up to me and made some shitty comment about not wanting to put Nana out of her room and says she and my step-dad are going to have to go stay at a hotel because there is no place for them.
Total dramatics and completely not true. Nana was never going to be put out of her room.
I of course had my own thoughts on a "place for her".

But anyway...in the interest of maintaining the peace, I packed our shit and moved the entire family out of the room and throughout the house instead. Mr.Man and Little Beatle slept in the small room and the girls and I slept on blow up mattresses in the living room and den.
The whole thing was a bunch of unnecessary bullshit and started the entire week off on a shitty note. It just got worse from there, so after two nights I moved out to my brother's house. It's a beautiful place and there's lots of room, so it was fine with me...not so fine with Nana but my mother is Nana's baby so she's certainly not going to say anything to her. Course that's another tale for another day...today is not the day to tell it.
This post is kind of ranty isn't it?

Eh well...I needed to bitch a little because trust me, she was in rare form this year. Next year I'd prefer to go up there when she's not there. She comes over here to see me anyway so that way she'd have her time with everyone and I'd have my time. It would just work out better, trust me. There'd be no competition as far as her getting all the attention and she wouldn't have any reason to do the stupid shit she does because she feels slighted. It's so idiotic I'm almost embarrassed to write about it.
Let's move on to a few of the good things about Maine this year....
Her bullshit gave me ample excuses to drink. I tried a new beer too.I picked it up in Bangor at Swetts on Hogan Road. We are in the habit of stopping there on our way through and imagine my delight at seeing a new addition to their store. An entire section of local or unusual beers and wines! The beer I purchased is actually not a beer really but more of an English barley wine and at 115 alcohol content it can turn you into a blithering idiot if you're not careful...

Yeah...that's the name of the beer...Blithering Idiot.
We enjoyed a couple two, three and then took this picture....

I swear to god Mr.Man can't hold his liquor like I can. It must be the Viking genes that allow me to consume large quantities of alcohol with only occasional nudity or brawling as a result.
Mr.Man? He gets a huge case of the dumbass...
God I love that man.
Ok...so that's all for now. I have to wash clothes, read blogs and pack me a lunch. Do you know that I couldn't find a coffee maker at work today? The whole establishment would be involved in a major riot if it were located in Sweden.
No coffee???
That's just fucking creepy. I'm hoping I overlooked it...pray for me.
See ya tomorrow!
Congrats on the new job!! Trust me there must be coffee there somewhere, I mean how would any work get done with tired people there? Has your mom ever heard of first come first served? Oh well glad you avoided most of the drama.
ReplyDeleteWhat's family without a little drama? You did the right thing . . . even though your were there first - but whatever.
Congratulations on the job. It will mean more blog fodder for us to read :D woohoo I can hardly wait . . .
cheese and crackers! We need to exchange private war stories about our holiday because we went to my mother in laws and they got so drunk (they do daily but its really out of control now.) that while I took a "walk" to cool off, my husband pulled up in the car with the kids, wet in their bathing suits, with all of our baggage and told me to get in we were going home. And that he told his mom she had a drinking problem and we left a day early. Fun eh?
ReplyDeleteI cannot post it on my blog, my FIL reads it. So I had to put the Mary Poppins fucking happy version, minus the 3 days of drunken obnoxious behavior up.
He tried calling her and asking her if they could chill out on the drinking while we were there with the kids, and of course she blames me with the 'Oh NO, SHE IS NOT CONTROLLING MY LIFE, We are not drunks (yes they are). "Mom, i see it too, we all do." Her answer, we dont have to come down ther to the beach anymore. Explain that to the crying 10 year old.
Ok, I just blogged on your blog, but I couldnt on mine, so thanks for the time and space! lol!!!!
Family! Oy!
Wow on the mother thing. Good call on how you handled it - and how you will next year.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the job! May it fill your day with joy and fun stuff to do. I pray that you found the coffee pot today...
BTW, your hubby may make you crazy at times - but...WOW. Good choice.
NEITHER of you look old enough to have teenagers.
I will send mind bullets to Mom, that'll learn her.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your new job. I love mine. I manage a brewery/restaurant ... this month's special ... "Watermelon Beer" ... served with a wedge of ... well ... what else? ... watermelon! Mmmm Mmmm Good!
ReplyDeleteBagor? I hardly no 'er.
ReplyDeleteWTF, indeed. Job??? How are we supposed to have leisurely lunches if you have a J-O-B? Just kidding - I'm sure we'll get together soon. Sounds like your trip got off to an "interesting" start!
ReplyDeleteI would have to hold a riot if there was no coffee at work.
ReplyDeleteWhich, I guess, would just be "normal me" without coffee.
Take a coffee pot and all the fixin's with you. Any place without coffee has no right to exist!
ReplyDeleteI've had Blithering Idiot Barleywine before. Picked it up in a mix-n-match sixpack of microbrews. I've decided although I like dark beers, I can't hang with Barleywine. Not because it gets me trashed, but because it tastes like ass.
ReplyDeleteDr. Murk, back when he was drinking, gave me some Bigfoot Barleywine. Some of the strongest stuff I ever tasted. Not for me, though.
Welcome back! I'm loving the Maine recaps. :)
ReplyDeleteCoffee pot is in the break room on the counter LOL
ReplyDeleteDid Missie clear that up for you? No coffee-- that is odd. In my experience, dispatch is where the coffee is.
Job, angry controlling mothers, drunkenness.
You've turned into ME. Well done, sistah. Well freaking done.
Keeps the recaps coming - we've missed UUUUU.