It only has two of my children in it, but I think it's funny as hell.
What do you think?

They would KILL me if they knew I posted this on here...HAHAHAHA...
Speaking of killing me, the word of the day thing, with 'bitches' being the word, made for some fancy entertainment. It really pissed the girls off and they kept telling me to stop it. So today's word will be "stop"...heh heh heh...
Have you got any idea how many times that word is spoken in this house?
I think it'll be seriously amusing, unless my husband says it by accident. Normally he says, "KNOCK IT OFF!" but in the event he says stop it instead..well...I'll just deal with that if it happens.
So far today, I have showered,done yoga stretching and meditation for thirty minutes, and then gotten dressed. I woke the kids up, fought with and still managed to get them all ready for school. I drove them to school, came home and fed the pets, planned meals for the next three days and went to the grocery store. I shopped and returned home again. Unloaded the car and put everything away and then washed lettuce and spinach which is draining now for a salad for dinner.
I checked the Little League email and took care of several correspondences regarding that.
I made myself two whole wheat pancakes and ate them for breakfast, along with a glass of soy milk.
I'm washing my third load of laundry and will run the vacuum cleaner after I write in here.
Then there will be more laundry, dishes and cleaning before I leave to take my 16 year old daughter to her dentist appointment this afternoon.
I need to pay the car payment on my hubby's car, cash a couple of checks at the bank, and then get home to have dinner ready. (Which is why I'm making the salad this morning.)
My youngest daughter has practice tonight at 6 and I'll just make it back in time from picking up my son from his practice to drive her to hers.
Then there will be cleaning up dinner dishes, homework and maybe I'll squeeze a little time in to spend with my hubby.
I stay busy.
I'm VERY homesick for Maine today. I have been feeling isolated from everything and everyone down here lately and although I've lived here for 14 years, I think I'd pack up everything I own and move back to Maine in a second.
It's very hard to be the outsider sometimes...
My mood for today is hard to gauge so I did an image search for the word I was thinking of and this is the picture I got...
I guess that's pretty accurate so I went ahead and put it up there...LOL
I know you're thinking I'm losing my mind aren't you?
Well you just need to STOP!!!
Holy Crap Girl!! I'm tired and I only read the list of things your going to do. You should stop (Ding.. Ding.. Clang..) and take a break. By the way I hope the next word of the day is either "the" or "and". That would be one heck of a day!! :)
ReplyDeleteDude - whoa.
ReplyDeleteWhere's the part of the day in which the NAP comes?
Just letting you know the way my work is going today I think my blog for tomorrow will have a word(s) of the day. Only I think all of mine will be really bad words.
ReplyDeleteI understand feeling it majorly right now
ReplyDeleteSee? THIS is what hot sex really leads to!
ReplyDeleteGee, you're almost as busy as I am!