I think I'm going to do that.
So today's word is DUMBASS...
I think I could have fun with a word of the day. I need something to entertain myself so why not this?
I'm not like everyone else.It's apparent that I march to the beat of my own drum and I'm not hard to entertain.
Well...maybe I don't march but I do beat my drum in an unusual manner.
If my husband and I were Muppet's, I'd definitely be Animal. I think it fits me perfectly. As for him, well he'd be this Muppet...
Trust me...it fits him like a glove.
So how did an Animal and Sam end up together you ask? I don't know exactly. I wasn't looking for a relationship. I'm not the kind to fall in love with every guy I date and I had just come out of a somewhat troubled marriage.I really wasn't looking for anyone. I had dated lots of guys and it was fun but most of them wouldn't call me back because I didn't put out or whatever. I even had a nickname...it was "The Ice Maiden." They made it known to everyone around that I wouldn't give it away to anyone.
And this is coming from guys I dated...so take THAT accusing wives!
I told you I wasn't like that. I was just very selective and was not about to give myself away to someone who didn't deserve me.
Anyway...I knew my husband through mutual friends. He was cute enough but like I said, I wasn't looking. I kind of knew he was interested but there were several guys I was friends with who were interested so I didn't really give it much thought.
Then one night when we were all out together he started talking to another woman. I suppose that's when I decided that maybe I didn't want to let the opportunity to at least go out on a date with him pass me by. So I sent someone over to get him and he ended up sitting with me the rest of the night. I found that there was a lot more to him than met the eye. He was extremely handsome and very aware of it, which I didn't care for at all, but I decided to look beyond that and found that there was much more to him. He was funny and intelligent and a deep thinker. I found myself sharing a lot of the same interests with him and I liked that he thought outside the box on things.
We ended up staying up all night and talking.
I think we connected that night and we both knew it.
Imagine me, being the me that I am, with him.
He would have NEVER farted in front of me.
Me? I let one rip on the first date. I plainly stated that I wanted to get it out of the way right off and I did.
I'm not really sure how he took me being the me I am. I think it shocked him and scared him and probably grossed him out at times but I didn't want a relationship that I couldn't be myself in. I certainly didn't want build a relationship and then have him decide he couldn't remain in it because of my bad habits. So I laid them all out there right from the beginning.
I knew we were different from the moment I met him, but like I said, we connected on a deeper level.
I'd call him on a Saturday morning and ask him if he wanted to go somewhere. We'd decide to go check out some antique shops. So I'd shower, dry my hair, get dressed and drive fifteen minutes to get to his place and he'd STILL be grooming himself. I'd have to WAIT in fact.
We were extremely mismatched in personalities.
I wore stuff for comfort, he wore stuff for the appearance.
I was outgoing and liked being around people, he was introverted and liked his alone time.
I was very laid back, he was uptight.
I was a tightwad, he was a spendthrift.
Still...we managed to get past that.
I made him laugh and he made me think.
I helped him relax a little and he helped me discipline myself a little more.
And everything was perfect in the physical part of our relationship..(wink, wink, nudge, nudge).
So a mere six months after we met, we got married.

We were both 24...MAN!!...we both look so young! Gah!
I don't know how this post turned into a how I met my husband thing, but I write what's on my mind and that's what wandered into my head.
Well most of the time I write about what I'm thinking....some things aren't meant for everyone's eyes. Those things stay locked in my head.
Ok...so enough of this...
Remember when I wrote about my new guy friend and how well we get along? Seems like he's blown me off or something. I'm not surprised I guess.
I saw his wife and mentioned he hadn't called lately and she wasn't aware of it.
So I have no idea what that's all about.
But I'm just going to let it go.
And speaking of letting things go, remember last week when I wrote about my friend who works all the time?
Well I'm letting that go too.
I email to check up on him occasionally and I never hear back from him. He has put up a wall and I can't reach him.
So I have no choice but to believe that's what he wants.
The last time I saw him out, I didn't go over to talk to him like I usually do but it was just to see if he'd approach me and say hi.
He didn't.
No casual conversation, no emails and no calls...
So tell me...Am I the only one who tries to maintain one-sided friendships?
I really feel like a dumbass.(did you all yell and make noise?)
I try to be supportive and loyal and kind and I don't even know if it's been received, let alone appreciated.
I just need to stop trying so hard and let it go.
I just don't understand it.The only conclusion I can come up with is that I am creating these imaginary friendships with people and then trying to build on something that's not even there!
There is no other explanation...
Guess I'm just crazy.
And with that said, This is my mood for the day...
I need to do some MAJOR behavior modification!!!
For what it's worth. I think your approach to life is very refreshing. I think it is better for you to approach life like you do and try to maintain a friendship rather than toss it away too soon. The alternative is depressing. You are not a dumbass (Did I hear bells somewhere?)You are a free spirit and the world needs more of you.
ReplyDeleteSorry correction here, The world needs more people like you. I mean really you can only do so much. :)
ReplyDeleteAh - young love. Only 24? That's scary young. Good on ya for making this far together!
ReplyDeleteI'm all for the word of the day a la PeeWee. That would be fun!
I got married at 18 the first time and had kids. Realized I was too young to have kids after awhile. Got remarried at age 36 and had kids. Now I am getting too old to enjoy the kids. 24 is a good age.
ReplyDeleteYou two sound like my current wife and I, except that I am now 46 and she just turned 30. She is outgoing and I would prefer to stay in my house every moment I am not at work. All my friends live on the internet. I get uptight if the house is out of order and she tends to leave things laying about.
However, I am the tightwad in the family.
Anyway, she has helped me to not sweat the small stuff and I in turn have taught her how to be cautious of people and not trust everyone.
Now, 12 years later, due to the cleaning up my personal demons, I am so much healthier and better off now. We were best friends for a year before we became involved (and I didn't really need to date a seventeen year old at that time) and it worked out great. It helps when you marry your best friend.
Oh yeah, my word of the day has been "facade". Reba the mail lady came in and said it, so I embraced and adopted it and used it 14 times since 11:00. My boss was somewhat nice to me and I asked him about the facade he was presenting to me. The he called me stupid. Everything is back to normal.
ReplyDeleteWe married at age 23, and it was only 6 months, less one day after we met.
ReplyDeleteMy bride and I married at 21 (me) and 19 (her). Oh, and it was a full 3 months of courting. But, instead of farting on the first date, I offered her a Tic Tac just prior to our first kiss. Is that a guy being open or what?
ReplyDeleteWe have parlayed that dumbass move of getting married so young into 20 or so (I should really figure out the number before the next anniversary) years of good times and great kids.
My daughter is 19 and gets married this Saturday. I'm happy to report that she and her beau fart in front of one another with ease. It makes me feel good about this dumbass move.
In fairness, they have dated all through high school, so really, they waited longer than my wife and I.
Kids - what can ya do?
I told the Evil Twin upfront, "I burp, I fart, I pick my nose. If you can't deal, hit the road." 15 years and counting.... LOL.
ReplyDeleteI think it's interesting that you ended up with someone the equivalent of Sam..but I'm glad you guys work(ed). It actually made me me choke up a bit reading about your relationship.
ReplyDeleteMy "this was made to be/youre my soulmate" relationship is crumbling fast(sob) and I admire what you and your husband have.
I'm sorry to hear about the situation with your friends. I know how that is...the one-sided thing. Hang in there.
Your efforts were good...don't let them make you feel like a dumbass(Ahhh!!! Crash! Bang!)