Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I will be a bitch, but only if it's necessary...

There's been something bothering me.
A couple of weeks ago, I went into a local store to shop. While I was browsing, a customer went up to the manager and complained about an order he had placed that hadn't come in yet. She checked the status on it and when she found the order hadn't even been placed, she apologized and then proceeded to bash the employees and the previous manager. She told the man that she had recently taken over operations at the store because it had been run by idiots before and she was trying to fix everything because of the damage done, etc....

Oh really?

I have been going to this same store for years and I've ordered LOTS of stuff without any problems at all. I hadn't noticed any idiots and furthermore, a lot of those so-called idiots are still working with this woman.

I saw the guy standing in an aisle after she had blathered on and on to him, bashing others in order to cover her ass, and I told him I had shopped there for years and never had a problem. Then I asked him when he placed his order.
He looked at me in a confused manner.
"What's that got to do with anything?", he said.
I asked if he'd placed the order recently and if he had, he should know that this new manager who had to "FIX" everything had been "FIXING" things at the store for a good month already.
"It'd be hard to be someone else's fault if you'd ordered it while she was in charge, wouldn't it?", I said.

He shrugged his shoulders and seemed unconcerned, but it still left a bad taste in my mouth.

I'm sorry. I have a problem with someone bashing other people in order to cover their own ass. So this morning after visiting the store this happened in, I called and complained about it. Every time I've gone in there since this happened, it's all I can think about.
Don't get me wrong...I don't want this lady to lose her job, but someone needs to remind her how to treat employees. She didn't need to bash the people who work for her or who used to work there in order to pacify the customer. It was very unprofessional. I think it was a poor reflection on her and her abilities. I can tell you, I don't feel very confident that she can "FIX" the store if her inability to treat people with respect is an indication of her talent.

So...the corporate people will be calling me back and I will be filing a complaint. I will tell them I don't think she should be fired or demoted, but she does need a lesson on how to talk to people and how to view her employees as human beings. Come on here....she was complaining about them right in front of them!! She acted like they wouldn't hear her or understand what she was saying. I do that in front of my cats or my dog for crying out loud....not other human beings. And I shouldn't even complain about my pets in front of my pets! It's just not right. It's demoralizing.

It may mean that I get treated differently when I go in the store after this and it may even mean that I won't feel comfortable going in this store anymore, but I can't allow someone to treat other people like that. The people who work there need their jobs and they shouldn't have to put up with that kind of treatment.

Gah!I'm hopping off my soap box now...I hate feeling bitchy...

1 comment:

  1. Do NOT hate feeling bitchy. THe manager deserved it. She should have just said "you know what? that order doesn't appear in our system. Would you like to replace it? I'd be glad to give you a discount.." and left it at that.

    She's a stone-cold bitchkitty, and needs to be taken down a peg.

    Go, YOU!
