Friday, August 24, 2007

Black Friday....

Today I will attempt to take three of my kids school shopping. We've been once or twice already, mind you, but apparently there are still many things they do not have that we still need to buy.
That, along with the recent dental work, has caused me to make an appointment with a black market dude to sell one of my kidneys. I should be able to finance this month's activities with the proceeds.

To be honest, I'd rather jab a sharp stick in my eye than take them shopping. I'd rather jump into a snake pit than take them shopping. I HATE shopping in the first place and today it will be even worse than the normal shopping trip.

There will be scads of Barbie doll wanna be's combing the mall today. They will throw dirty looks at eachother and try to look threatening. Try is the key word here. But of course, my two teen girls will make snotty comments to each other and give dirty looks back. It would actually be entertaining except that I have to listen to the nasty barbie girl comments that are exchanged between them all. They're incredibly stupid and I have lost my patience for the little girl drama.

*Up on the soapbox."

Is it just me or are teens very violent today? They all want to kick eachother's ass for looking at them or talking to their boyfriend or having the same shirt. It's stupid. It's all I hear from teen girls anyway. When I hear it from my girls I threaten grounding them and they shut the hello kitty up. But it still comes from the other girls. My daughters will tell me that so and so said they were going to kick their ass because their boyfriend likes them.


This teen girl world where cleavage and big purses rule is a foreign land to me. I am not familiar with this place. In fact, I HATE it and I finally understand the fear I saw in my grandmother's face when I went to visit her wearing a tube top and a Farrah Faucet hairstyle in 1979.

Maybe it's just the nature of the beast...teens are supposed to be different from us in order to gain their individuality. But what good will it be if they're all planning to kill eachother?

Normally my kids are not allowed to watch MTV, but the other day the girls were watching a show called Parental Control. The entire plot of this show is for parents who hate their child's boyfriend/girlfriend to interview other people for them to go out with. They choose two people and then watch the dates on TV with the current BF or GF. The comments are insanely belligerent. The boyfriend or girlfriend are nasty, disrespectful and crude...and the parents sit there and TAKE IT! They fight back and forth like teens themselves, which in my opinion is not indicative of what real parents would do.
My husband's head would explode if one of the girls boyfriends talked to him like that. He'd be barely holding it together as he ran upstairs to get the shotgun.

What happened to the good old days when teens actually had a little healthy fear? Now, they want to kick everyone's ass and be a gangster.

I am trying the best way I know how to teach my children differently. My youngest teen daughter decided she was a gangster in 6th grade. She did get her ass kicked. Some girl jumped her and beat her in the head, leaving an egg sized lump. Thankfully her older sister intervened and saved her stupid ass, because it could have turned out a lot worse than it did. And after she got home and got some sympathy because she was in bad shape, we proceeded to ground her to us, her parents, for a year.Not to her room or the house but to us. She didn't go anywhere without us. I believe she hated us for it, but you know, it didn't take long for our little girl to come back and that hateful Barbie gangster wanna be to practically disappear.
Yeah....she and the older one still strike a pose when they're out. They still talk shit about other people. But they're not in you face with it and I see them stop and actually think about it a little before they start running crap out of their pie holes. I guess that's a small improvement.

I'll take what I can get.

*Steps off soapbox*

My husband is cleaning this morning. He said that since I had been so bitchy lately he figured it might make me happy.
I've been bitchy?
Wow...I didn't even notice...
Who would have thought that being a bitch would work like that? The poor man had NO IDEA what he has done to himself now!!! If I'm a bitch, he will clean???
Christ!!! If I'd only known that before I would have had help with the housework a long time ago.
Now if I can only figure out how to get more sex out of him, I do believe things would be damn near perfect.

I need to get in the shower. The girls will be up any minute and once they're in the bathroom I'll never get in there.

Wish me luck today...I'm gonna need it...LOL


  1. You wrote a nice post and I'm trying to remember what it was about, because the phrase "Now if I can only figure out how to get more sex out of him" is stuck in the front of my brain. I can't help wonder why I wasn't cursed with a wife like that. Maybe it's a case where you only want it when you can't get it? As opposed to my wife, who can get it any time she wants it, so it's not anything she persues? Is it all about the persuit? There I go, once again wasting moments trying to figure out women!

    Oh yeah, teenage girls. You have scared me, my eight year old daughter is going to grow up in that environment? Great, that should be fun. Hopefully I'll be senile by then.

  2. You have a lot to look forward to as your daughter gets older. Being senile would help but in the event that isn't happening a fifth of vodka does a decent job.

    As for the sex thing. I don't know what's wrong with me. I think I was supposed to be a guy. It's not a matter of wanting it because I can't have it. I've always been like that. And he KNEW what I was like when he married me. He can't say I didn't warn him. LOL...
    Like I've said before...I ADORE my husband. I just can't get enough of him. He's the greatest...

  3. Is it just me, or do teenage girls have way bigger boobs than they did way back when I was growing up (late 70/early 80s). I felt conspicuous with my C cups back then, and it seems like now every single girlchild has Ds or better.

    I'd SO hate to be a teenaged boy these days. How do they concentrate?

  4. I don't think boys CAN concentrate. I can name 20 kids right now who are taking meds for ADHD.How many do you remember having to take meds because they couldn't concentrate when we were in school?
    As for the busty teens...I think they feed hormones to the chickens and it's plumping breasts and not just the chicken' 16 year old wears a 44 DD...


  5. I would say that all kids going to hell in a handbasket, but I'm sure my grandmother thought the same thing. And her mother. and so on......
