While I know I'd be good at it, I would probably begin each sermon with "What the hell is wrong with you people?" and end every one with "So get your heads out of your asses already!".
I just think I'm too blunt to be a Pastor....but thanks for the encouragement.

"Pastor Tammie's sense of humor was NOT appreciated by the rest of the church."
I think it was a good decision for me to not pursue that line of work.
Plus I ended up having a baby out of wedlock...probably not one of the requirements to get into Seminary...
"Only four more weeks before Moses is born and then another four years of Seminary school before I'm ordained!Whoo Hoo!"
When I was 17 years old, I had just given birth to Freya and I had several choices...
A: Marry the father who didn't want to get married anymore than I did.
B: Keep working that shitty 11-7 night shift at the factory, taking care of Freya during the day and trying to cram other side jobs in while never sleeping (which wasn't working out too great for me at the time).
The other option I hadn't considered at the time was joining the Air Force.
A girl I worked with at the factory lived on the local Air Force base with her husband. She talked to me about the whole thing and asked why I didn't consider it.
That got me thinking....I was smart enough...I was independent...I could make a good life for Freya and I...
I decided to do it.
One problem....my family was completely against it.
No support what-so-ever...
So that was the end of that.
I had no one to care for Freya while I went through basics and school...a sacrifice I was willing to make to give the two of us a better life.
So I married that dick head and lived in hell for 6 years instead.
I think I would have made a good soldier...and I KNOW I would have ended up a lifer...

"Senior Master Sargent at my retirement."
I did kind of get into the Air Force when I married Mr.Man....(if you consider an enlisted dependent 'getting in'...LOL).
Another unknown fact about me is that I didn't have an imaginary friend when I was growing up.
Now I have quite an imagination...but no imaginary friend?
Hmmm....that's an interesting fact.
When Freya was born her father refused to pay the 20 buck to have his name put on the birth certificate. So my name is the only name on her birth certificate. Yet another unknown fact...
Ummm....let's see...what else is there?
I'm going to have to think about it some more.
I know...I know...everyone keeps secrets but I need to think of secrets I'm willing to share.
Most of my secrets aren't as incriminating as they painful. I'd prefer to keep those to myself.
In the meantime Veggie Stick is walking around bitching and crabbing about losing her phone charger.
Her friend has a phone charger she can bring to her her later but THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!
I'm not even kidding when I tell you that she's been bitching for two hours STRAIGHT WITHOUT STOPPING!

You know...maybe being a Pastor would help in situations like this. I'm going to consult my homeboy Jesus and see what he thinks...
Holy water?
Maybe if I baptize her?
I have just the place.....

I bet a few dips into that Holy water will help get rid of her possession....
I'm going to get off here and listen to my Ipod. It'll drown out the screeching until I can start drinking at five.
More tomorrow...if I can think of anything else.
Your still hilarious, Pastor Tammie, you are a hoot...
ReplyDeleteGood one.
ReplyDeleteDunk her head in the shitter! LOL
ReplyDeleteGotta love teenagers. Plug in those earbuds and tune out. But I wouldn't tell/criticize/judge if you started drinking now...
ReplyDeleteAnother slice of life from the Goddess. I know I'll enjoy myself when I visit you.
ReplyDeleteMy only regret is that we're not neighbors. I start to drink around 3:00.
You'd be on your fouth shuttle flight by now and siging up voluntarily for "Space Sex Studies". (Sorry MR. Man. You guys aren't married here in this story.)
ReplyDeleteMe and my sister went thorugh some Catholic 'training' as a kid. I used to play priest and give her comunnion. WOW...Me a priest!? I always thought it interesting that where the Nuns and Priests lived was called a 'rectory'...is that weird?
I just got my WWTD bracelet!!!!
ReplyDeleteNow I'm thinking about Top Gun and trying to figure out how you would have made that movie entirely different... What do you think your code name would have been? "The Swede" or simply "Goddess" or something totally different?
ReplyDeleteI think I'd join your church....lol
ReplyDeleteBaptized in "Bowlywater" LMAO!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe he wouldn't pay the 20 bucks to be on the birth certificate! Well, I guess I CAN believe it....coming from him...Ugh!
ReplyDeleteEven better, and Airfore Chaplain . . .
growing up, I attended a Lutheran church (No, it did not burn down when I walked in...a miracle no one to this day can explain) and we had a woman pastor. She was married, and she was pregnant twice during her service with us there. She was pregnant while married...but even back in the late 70's and early and mid 80's that was still a big thing.
ReplyDeleteBut I think our church was a bit more progressive in thinking than most others. Even for a Lutheran church, we didn't feel like a Lutheran church, felt more more like more like a say strict Unitarian church instead.
I don't go to any churches anymore, as I don't like any restrictions or anyone telling me how to worship or what to worship. But at least I had the rare and wonderful pleasure of growing up with a pastor who was a woman who dared to minister in front of her congregation as a married and often very pregnant woman. She rocked.
The church sign is fucking priceless, but if Jesus is everywhere wouldn't he already be in your fart? I believe he would. My farts are righteous to be sure. As are yours. As are yours.
ReplyDeleteTell her to rub her socks on the carpet and touch the phone.
ReplyDeleteThat'll charge it.
BG, i've told you that time is an illusion, a human construct. it is totaly meaningless and bullsharts.
ReplyDeletethat means, in short, that you do not have to wait until five to drink.
i sure as hell don't!
You could maybe go online and get ordained in something. If you do, I will. Then we can walk around randomly marrying people! It'll be fun!
ReplyDeleteHaving done 5 years in the Navy, I can't see you surviving the regimentation of military life much past boot camp.
ReplyDeleteGosh Dave...I said the Air Force, not the Navy.
ReplyDeleteAnd in spite of my...er...humor...I am actually quite disciplined.